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Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering

ISSN 2095-9184 (print), ISSN 2095-9230 (online)

On modeling of electrical cyber-physical systems considering cyber security

Abstract: This paper establishes a new framework for modeling electrical cyber-physical systems (ECPSs), integrating both power grids and communication networks. To model the communication network associated with a power transmission grid, we use a mesh network that considers the features of power transmission grids such as high-voltage levels, long-transmission distances, and equal importance of each node. Moreover, bidirectional links including data uploading channels and command downloading channels are assumed to connect every node in the communication network and a corresponding physical node in the transmission grid. Based on this model, the fragility of an ECPS is analyzed under various cyber attacks including denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, replay attacks, and false data injection attacks. Control strategies such as load shedding and relay protection are also verified using this model against these attacks.

Key words: Cyber-physical systems, Cyber attacks, Cascading failure analysis, Smart grid

Chinese Summary  <32> 考虑信息安全的电力信息物理系统建模研究



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