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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A

ISSN 1673-565X(Print), 1862-1775(Online), Monthly

Multiple description scalable video coding based on 3D lifted wavelet transform

Abstract: In this work, a new method to deal with the unconnected pixels in motion compensated temporal filtering (MCTF) is presented, which is designed to improve the performance of 3D lifted wavelet coding. Furthermore, multiple description scalable coding (MDSC) is investigated, and novel MDSC schemes based on 3D wavelet coding are proposed, using the lifting implementation of temporal filtering. The proposed MDSC schemes can avoid the mismatch problem in multiple description video coding, and have high scalability and robustness of video transmission. Experimental results showed that the proposed schemes are feasible and adequately effective.

Key words: Multiple description scalable coding (MDSC), Motion compensated temporal filtering (MCTF), Block-split bidirectional motion estimation, 3D lifted wavelet transform

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