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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A

ISSN 1673-565X(Print), 1862-1775(Online), Monthly

Flow-induced vibration characteristics of the U-type Coriolis mass flowmeter with liquid hydrogen

Abstract: Compared with liquid nitrogen (LN2) and water, the density of liquid hydrogen (LH2) is more than one order of magnitude smaller, which leads to significantly different flow-induced vibration characteristics in the Coriolis mass flowmeter (CMF). Based on the Euler beam theory, the complex set of equations of fluid-solid interactions for the U-type pipe Coriolis flowmeter with LH2 is solved. The calculation results are firstly validated by comparing the dimensionless frequency, displacement, and twist mode shape with the theoretical and experimental results in the other publications with water and kerosene as the working fluids. Then, the results of dimensionless frequency, phase difference, and time lag for LH2 are compared with those for LN2 and water, and the effects of the dimensionless flow velocity, sensor position, and the radius of the curved pipe are analyzed in detail for LH2. Results show that the time lag of LH2 is an order of magnitude smaller than that for LN2 or water. The excitation frequency for LH2 is much larger than that for LN2. Effects of geometric parameters on the time lag are also analyzed for the three fluids and the results contribute to the design optimization of a CMF for LH2.

Key words: Coriolis mass flowmeter (CMF); Liquid hydrogen (LH2); Cryogenic fluid; Flow-induced vibration

Chinese Summary  <34> 液氢U型科里奥利质量流量计的流致振动特性研究



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