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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B

ISSN 1673-1581(Print), 1862-1783(Online), Monthly

Influence of education and working background on physicians’ knowledge of secondary prevention guidelines for coronary heart disease: results from a survey in China

Abstract: Background and objective: In clinical practice, the standard of secondary prevention for coronary heart disease (CHD) is quite disappointing in China. The physicians’ shortage of knowledge of secondary prevention guidelines is thought to be a key factor contributing to the inadequate and delayed translation of guidelines into clinical practice. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of physicians’ characteristics, including their education and work experience, on their knowledge of secondary prevention in China. Methods: A representative questionnaire survey was made of physicians from cardiology departments in 35 tertiary hospitals in China. The survey contained 19 questions on knowledge of guideline recommendations for the secondary prevention of CHD. We collected basic information about the physicians, including their educational degree, clinical practice duration/work experience and geographic region. Results: In total, 864 physicians participated in the survey. Eight hundred and thirty-seven completed questionnaires were analyzed. For 6 of the 19 questions, physicians with a postgraduate degree were more likely to answer correctly than those without such a degree. For 11 of the 19 questions, physicians with more than three years’ clinical experience were more likely to answer correctly than those who had less than three years’ experience. For 5 of the 19 questions, physicians from eastern areas were more likely to answer correctly than those from mid/western areas. The mean total score of correct answers to the questionnaire was 11.69 points. Educational degree and clinical practice duration affected total scores significantly while practice location did not (β=0.500, P=0.004; β=0.979, P=0.000; and β=0.228, P=0.162, respectively). Even if a relatively low score of 12 is taken as a threshold level of acceptable knowledge (defined as a pass), the pass rate of all physicians was only 53.9%. Educational degree and clinical practice duration affected pass rate significantly while practice location did not (95% CI: 1.222–2.248, P=0.001; 95% CI: 1.773–3.140, P=0.000; and 95% CI: 0.993–1.758, P=0.056, respectively). Conclusions: Physicians with a clinical practice duration of more than three years knew more about secondary prevention guidelines than those with less experience. Physicians with a postgraduate degree knew more about secondary prevention guidelines than those without a postgraduate degree. However, overall knowledge of secondary prevention guidelines for CHD was poor among this group of physicians from tertiary hospitals.

Key words: Coronary heart disease, Secondary prevention, Guidelines, Survey

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