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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B

ISSN 1673-1581(Print), 1862-1783(Online), Monthly

Relationship between genetic variation in the α2A-adrenergic receptor and the cardiovascular effects of dexmedetomidine in the Chinese Han population

Abstract: There are differences in individual cardiovascular responses to the administration of dexmedetomidine, a highly selective α2A-adrenergic receptor (ADRA2A) agonist. The aim of this study was to investigate ADRA2A gene polymorphisms in the Chinese Han population and their association with the cardiovascular response to intravenous dexmedetomidine infusion. Sixty elective surgery patients of Chinese Han nationality were administered 1 µg/kg dexmedetomidine intravenously over 10 min as a premedication. ADRA2A C-1291G and A1780G polymorphism status was determined in these patients, and their relationships to changes in blood pressure and heart rate after dexmedetomidine administration were analyzed. There were neither significant differences in systolic or diastolic blood pressure changes in individuals with different A1780G and C-1291G genotypes after dexmedetomidine administration, nor in heart rates among the different A1780G genotypes. However, there were significant differences in changes in heart rates in patients with different C-1291G genotypes. There were no significant differences in the sedative effects of dexmedetomidine among different A1780G and C-1291G genotypes. Logistic regression revealed that the C-1291G polymorphism was associated with differential decreases in heart rate after intravenous infusion of dexmedetomidine. These findings indicate that the ADRA2A C-1291G polymorphism can affect heart rate changes in patients after intravenous infusion of dexmedetomidine.

Key words: Dexmedetomidine; α2A-Adrenergic receptor; Polymorphism; Blood pressure; Heart rate

Chinese Summary  <20> 中国汉族人群中肾上腺素α2A受体基因多态性与右美托咪定心血管效应的相关性研究


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