Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B
ISSN 1673-1581(Print), 1862-1783(Online), Monthly
2005 Vol.6 No.4 P.288-294
Construction and characterization of a cDNA library from human liver tissue with chronic hepatitis B
Abstract: Objective: To construct a cDNA library from human liver tissue with chronic hepatitis B and check its quality for investigating the expression level of liver tissue infected by hepatitis B virus. This will then be used to find the relevant genes and interesting proteins associated with the development of hepatitis B. Methods: The total RNA from liver tissue with chronic hepatitis B was extracted and the mRNA was purified using TRIZOL method. Switching mechanism at 5′ end of the RNA transcript (SMART) technique and CDS III/3′ primer were used for first-strand cDNA synthesis. Long distance polymerase chain reaction (LD PCR) was then used to synthesize the double-strand cDNA that was then digested by Sfi I and fractionated by CHROMA SPIN-400 column. The longer than 0.4 kb cDNAs were collected and ligated to λTriplEx2 vector. Then λ phage packaging reaction and library amplification were performed. The qualities of both unamplified and amplified cDNA libraries were strictly checked by conventional titer determination. Fourteen plaques were randomly picked and tested using PCR with universal primers derived from the sequence flanking the vector. Results: The titers of unamplifed and amplified libraries were 1.94×106 pfu/ml and 1.49×109 pfu/ml respectively. The percentages of recombinants from both libraries were 98.15% in unamplified library and 98.76% in amplified library. The lengths of the inserts were 1.23 kb in average, 1-2 kb in 64.29%, and 0.5-1.0 kb in 35.71%. Conclusion: A high quality cDNA library from human liver tissue with chronic hepatitis B was successfully constructed.
Key words: cDNA library, Human liver tissue, Chronic hepatitis B, Construction and characterization
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