Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B
ISSN 1673-1581(Print), 1862-1783(Online), Monthly
2005 Vol.6 No.12 P.1200-1205
Investigation of iodine concentration in salt, water and soil along the coast of Zhejiang, China
Abstract: Objective: We aim to describe the environment iodine concentration in salt, water and soil along Zhejiang Province coast in the China foreland. It will be helpful for us to judge whether this area is insufficient in iodine and universal iodized salt is necessary or not. Methods: We collected iodized salt samples, drinking water samples (tap water in the towns, and well water or spring water in the villages), water samples from different sources (ditches, lakes, rivers) and soil samples through random sampling in June, 2005. Salt, water and soil iodine was detected by arsenic-cerium redox method. Statistical analysis was expressed as mean±SEM by Windows SPSS 13.0. Results: (1) The iodine concentration in salt was 27.9±4.33 mg/kg (n=108). (2) Seventy-five water samples were collected. The water iodine value was 0.6~84.8 μg/L (mean of 11.66 μg/L). The watershed along the Qiantang River has significantly higher iodine content than the water in Lin’an in mountain area (P<0.01). The iodine content and mean iodine content of tap water, well or spring water and natural water sources were 4.30±2.43 μg/L (n=34), 23.59±27.74 μg/L (n=19) and 12.72±10.72 μg/L (n=22) respectively. This indicated that among environmental water sources, the ditch iodine content was the highest with river water iodine being the lowest (P<0.01). (3) Soil iodine value was 0.11~2.93 mg/kg (mean of 1.32 mg/kg). Though there was no statistical difference of soil iodine in different districts (P=0.131), soil iodine content correlated positively with water iodine content. Conclusion: Iodine concentration in salt accords with national policy of adding iodine in salt. Foreland has more iodine in water than mountain area. The data reflected that water and soil iodine in foreland area was not high, which suggests universal iodized salt should be necessary. Environment iodine has relatively close association with pollution.
Key words: Iodine, Salt, Water, Soil, Coast
Open peer comments: Debate/Discuss/Question/Opinion
Karel FIALA@Agriresearch Ltd.<mrak@seznam.cz>
2010-11-13 07:03:43
Dear authors,
that one is very interesting and valuable paper, partially on your laboratory iodine determination set. Could you be so kind and send me some more informations about that kit ? (Availability for commercial use in other countries, trade organisation responsible for exporting, price etc.) Many thanks beforehand for your supplementary information.
With best wishes,
Karel FIALA,
Agriresearch Ltd., Rapotin
Vyzkumniku 267
788 13 Vikyrovice
Czech Republic
CLC number:
R12; R581
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