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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A

ISSN 1673-565X(Print), 1862-1775(Online), Monthly

Dual influence of the rejuvenation of Southern Tianshan and Western Kunlun orogen on the Cenozoic structure deformation of Tarim Basin, northwestern China: A superposition deformation model from Bachu Uplift

Abstract: Based on new high-resolution seismic profiles and existing structural and sedimentary results, a superposition deformation model for Cenozoic Bachu Uplift of northwestern Tarim Basin, northwestern China is proposed. The model presents the idea that the Bachu Uplift suffered structure superposition deformation under the dual influences of the Cenozoic uplifting of Southern Tianshan and Western Kunlun orogen, northwestern China. In the end of the Eocene (early Himalayan movement), Bachu Uplift started to be formed with the uplifting of Western Kunlun, and extended NNW into the interior of Kalpin Uplift. In the end of the Miocene (middle Himalayan movement), Bachu Uplift suffered not only the NNW structure deformation caused by the Western Kunlun uplifting, but also the NE structure deformation caused by the Southern Tianshan uplifting, and the thrust front fault of Kalpin thrust system related to the Southern Tianshan orogen intrudes southeastward into the hinterland of Bachu Uplift and extends NNE from well Pi1 to Xiaohaizi reservoir and Gudongshan mountain, which resulted in the strata folded and denuded strongly. In the end of the Pliocene (late Himalayan movement), the impact of Southern Tianshan orogen decreased because of the stress released with the breakthrough upward of Kalpin fault extending NE, and Bachu Uplift suffered mainly the structure deformation extending NW-NNW caused by the uplifting of Western Kunlun orogen.

Key words: Superposition deformation model, Bachu Uplift, Southern Tianshan, Western Kunlun, Cenozoic

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