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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B

ISSN 1673-1581(Print), 1862-1783(Online), Monthly

Interactions of cadmium and aluminum toxicity in their effect on growth and physiological parameters in soybean

Abstract: The effect of Al and Cd on the growth, photosynthesis, and accumulation of Al, Cd and plant nutrients in two soybean genotypes were determined using hydroponic culture. There were six treatments: pH 6.5; pH 4.0; pH 6.5+1.0 μmol/L Cd; pH 4.0+1.0 μmol/L Cd; pH 4.0+150 μmol/L Al; pH 4.0+1.0 μmol/L Cd+150 μmol/L Al. The low pH (4.0) and Al treatments caused marked reduction in root length, shoot height, dry weight, chlorophyll content (SPAD value) and photosynthetic rate. Al-sensitive cv. Zhechun 2 accumulated comparatively more Al and Cd in plants than Al-tolerant cv. Liao 1. Compared with pH 6.5, pH 4.0 resulted in significant increase in Cd and Al concentration in plants. Combined application of Cd and Al enhanced their accumulation in roots, but caused a reduction in shoots. The concentrations of all 10 nutrients (P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and B), except Mo were also increased when plants were exposed to pH lower than pH 6.5. Al addition caused a reduction in the concentration of most nutrients in plant roots and shoots; but K, Mn and Zn in roots were increased. Treatments with Cd alone or together with Al reduced the concentrations of all the plant nutrients in plants. Al-sensitive genotype Zhechun 2 has lower nutrient concentration than Al-tolerant genotype Liao 1. The current findings imply that Al and Cd are synergistic in their effect on plant growth, physiological traits and nutrient uptake.

Key words: Soybean, Cadmium, Aluminum, Photosynthesis, Antagonism

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