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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B

ISSN 1673-1581(Print), 1862-1783(Online), Monthly

A novel arterial pouch model of saccular aneurysm by concomitant elastase and collagenase digestion

Abstract: Background: An ideal aneurysm model of cerebral aneurysm is of great importance for studying the pathogenesis of the lesion and testing new techniques for diagnosis and treatment. Several models have been created in rabbits and are now widely used in experimental studies; however, every model has certain intrinsic limitations. Here we report the development of a novel saccular aneurysm model in rabbits using an arterial pouch that is subject to in vitro pre-digestion with combined elastase and collagenase. Methods: A segment of right common carotid artery (CCA) was dissected out and treated with elastase (60 U/ml, 20 min) followed by type I collagenase (1 mg/ml, 15 min) in vitro. The graft was anastomosed to an arterial arch built with the left CCA and the remaining right CCA, while the other end of the graft was ligated. The dimension and tissue structure of the pouch were analysed immediately, 2 or 8 weeks after operation. Findings: Ten terminal aneurysms were produced. The gross morphology of the aneurysm resembles the human cerebral terminal aneurysms. We have observed the following pathological changes: (1) growth of the aneurysm (mean diameter increased from (2.0±0.1) to (3.2±0.3) mm at 2 weeks, P<0.001, n=7~10); (2) thinning of the aneurysmal wall (the mean wall thickness decreased to 44% at 2 weeks), which was accompanied by significant losses of elastic fibres, collagen and the cellular component; and (3) spontaneous rupture (3 out of 9, one aneurysm ruptured 24 h after operation with the other two at 2 and 4 weeks respectively). Conclusion: This rabbit arterial pouch model mimics human cerebral aneurysms in relation to morphology and histology. In particular, this model exhibited an increased tendency of spontaneous rupture.

Key words: Animal model, Collagenase, Elastase, Intracranial aneurysm

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