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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A

ISSN 1673-565X(Print), 1862-1775(Online), Monthly

Simulation, experimental evaluation and performance improvement of a cone dielectric elastomer actuator

Abstract: Dielectric elastomer actuators (DEAs) are an emerging class of polymer actuation devices and have extensive application prospect in the field of robotics because of their light weight, high efficiency and large deformation. A cone DEA is manufactured and its working principle is analyzed. To obtain the deformation of elastomer and movement of DEA in advance, a finite element method (FEM) simulation is performed first. According to the working principle, two working equilibrium points of DEA, corresponding to the displacements of DEA with voltage off and on, are obtained and validated by experiments, thus work output in a workcycle is computed. Experiments show that the actuator can respond quickly when voltage is applied and can return to its original position rapidly when voltage is released. Simulation results agree well with experimental ones and the feasibility of DEA simulation is proved, and causes for the small difference between them in displacement output are analyzed. The performance of the actuator is improved from the aspects of both displacement and force output. A diamond four-bar linkage mechanism is used as the preload part and a displacement output of 17 mm is obtained. The force output of one actuating unit is about 1.77 N, so three actuating units are assembled in parallel and the force output is heightened to as high as 5.07 N.

Key words: Dielectric elastomer (DE), Actuator, Simulation, Performance improvement

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