Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
ISSN 1673-565X(Print), 1862-1775(Online), Monthly
2012 Vol.13 No.6 P.445-460
Excavation-induced microseismicity: microseismic monitoring and numerical simulation
Abstract: The volume of influence of excavation at the right bank slope of Dagangshan Hydropower Station, southwest China, is essentially determined from microseismic monitoring, numerical modeling and conventional measurements as well as in situ observations. Microseismic monitoring is a new application technique for investigating microcrackings in rock slopes. A microseismic monitoring network has been systematically used to monitor rock masses unloading relaxation due to continuous excavation of rock slope and stress redistribution caused by dam impoundment later on, and to identify and delineate the potential slippage regions since May, 2010. An important database of seismic source locations is available. The analysis of microseismic events showed a particular tempo-spatial distribution. Seismic events predominantly occurred around the upstream slope of 1180 m elevation, especially focusing on the hanging wall of fault XL316-1. Such phenomenon was interpreted by numerical modeling using RFPA-SRM code (realistic failure process analysis-strength reduction method). By comparing microseismic activity and results of numerical simulation with in site observation and conventional measurements results, a strong correlation can be obtained between seismic source locations and excavation-induced stress distribution in the working areas. The volume of influence of the rock slope is thus determined. Engineering practices show microseismic monitoring can accurately diagnose magnitude, intensity and associated tempo-spatial characteristics of tectonic activities such as faults and unloading zones. The integrated technique combining seismic monitoring with numerical modeling, as well as in site observation and conventional surveying, leads to a better understanding of the internal effect and relationship between microseismic activity and stress field in the right bank slope from different perspectives.
Key words: Microseismic monitoring, Rock slope, Numerical simulation, Stability analysis, Dagangshan Hydropower Station
Open peer comments: Debate/Discuss/Question/Opinion
CLC number:
P642.22; TU45
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