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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A

ISSN 1673-565X(Print), 1862-1775(Online), Monthly

A numerical study on fire endurance of wood beams exposed to three-side fire

Abstract: To investigate the fire endurance of wood beams exposed to three-side fire, we conducted bearing capacity tests of two wood beams and experiments of five wood beams exposed to three-side fire. The finite element software ANSYS was also used to predict the fire endurance of those beams with the indirect order coupling method. It was found that the fire endurance decreases as the load level increases, and the reduction ratio tends to decrease. In the case of a certain load level, the fire endurance is improved if the section size is increased or covered by the fire protection coating. The central deformation increases as the fire duration increases, and the ratio of increase tends to rise. On another note, an increase in the density of wood leads to a rise in the fire endurance of a given beam. From the finite element method (FEM) calculation results, the fire endurance decreases as the load level increases, and the reduction ratio tends to decrease. When the load level is greater than 0.5, the fire endurance is significantly reduced, and it does not change significantly when the load level changes. Lastly, for a load level magnitude below 0.5, the fire endurance and load level are proportional to one another.

Key words: Three-side fire, Fire endurance, Load level, Fire prevention measures, Finite element analysis, Density of wood

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