Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
ISSN 1673-565X(Print), 1862-1775(Online), Monthly
2015 Vol.16 No.10 P.830-838
Characterization of gasoline combustion with laser and spark ignition
Abstract: The combustion of gasoline-air mixtures in a constant-volume combustion chamber with an initial condition of 0.1 MPa pressure and 363 K temperature is experimentally investigated with laser ignition generated by a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser (wavelengths of 532 and 1064 nm). Spark ignition is also tested, and the results are used as the benchmark. Combustion chamber pressure is measured by a piezoelectric pressure transducer, and recorded using a digital oscilloscope. When the equivalence ratio is swept from 1.2 to 1.8, laser and spark ignition show marginal differences in pressure rise rate and peak pressure. The maximum pressure rise rate and the maximum peak pressure are obtained at equivalence ratios of 1.6 and 1.8 for laser ignition and spark ignition, which are 39.4 MPa/μs and 0.68 MPa for the laser wavelength of 532 nm, 38.8 MPa/μs and 0.67 MPa for the laser wavelength of 1064 nm, and 38.1 MPa/μs and 0.67 MPa for spark ignition, respectively. When the equivalence ratio is reduced below 1.2, the pressure rise rate and peak pressure of the laser ignition are significantly higher than those of spark ignition, and the lean limit for laser ignition is also wider than that of spark ignition; therefore, laser ignition is more favorable for lean combustion. For both the laser and spark ignitions, the ignition energy demonstrated a limited impact on both the pressure rise rate and peak pressure. Heat release rate in the combustion chamber is calculated, and the results show that variations of heat release are in accordance with variations of the pressure history.
Key words: Laser ignition, Spark ignition, Pressure rise rate, Peak pressure, Heat release rate
创新点:1. 同时进行两种点火方式的试验,保证对比研究的准确性;2. 激光点火采用532 nm和1064 nm波长的两种激光进行对比;3. 直接采用汽油进行研究。
方法:通过记录不同当量比的汽油空气混合气在定容燃烧弹内激光点火(532 nm和1064 nm波长)及电火花点火的燃烧过程压力变化:1. 对比分析三种点火情况的压力上升率和最大爆发压力;2. 通过公式计算,对比分析三种点火情况的放热率。
结论:1. 532 nm与1064 nm波长激光点火的压力上升率和最大爆发压力都在当量比为1.8时出现最大值,其中532 nm波长激光为39.4 MPa/μs和0.68 MPa,1064 nm波长激光为38.8 MPa/μs和0.67 MPa;而电火花点火的压力上升率和最大爆发压力则在当量比为1.6时出现最大值,分别为38.1 MPa/μs和0.67 MPa;2. 激光点火的稀燃极限相对电火花点火对应的当量比更小;3. 三种点火类型的放热率规律与压力上升率变化规律一致。
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