Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
ISSN 1673-565X(Print), 1862-1775(Online), Monthly
2016 Vol.17 No.10 P.803-817
Visualization of the formation and features of soil arching within a piled embankment by discrete element method simulation
Abstract: Piled embankments are widely used in highway and railway engineering due to their economy and efficiency in overcoming several issues encountered in constructing embankments over weak soils. Soil arching, caused by the pile-subsoil relative displacement (Δs), plays an important role in reducing the embankment load falling on weak soil, however, the fundamental characteristics (e.g., formation and features) of soil arching remain poorly understood. In this study, a series of discrete element method (DEM) modellings are performed to study the formation and features of soil arching with the variation of Δs in piled embankments with or without geosynthetic reinforcement. Firstly, calibration for the modelling parameters is carried out by comparing the DEM results with the experimental data obtained from the existing literature. Secondly, the analysis of the macro- and micro-behaviours is performed in detail. Finally, a parametric study is conducted in an effort to identify the influences of three key factors on soil arching: the friction coefficient of the embankment fill (f), the embankment height (h), and the pile clear spacing (s−a). Numerical results indicate that Δs is a key factor governing the formation and features of soil arching in embankments. To be specific, soil arching gradually evolves from two inclined shear planes at a small Δs to a hemispherical arch at a relatively large Δs. Then, with a continuous increase in Δs, the soil arching height gradually increases and finally approaches a constant value of 0.8(s−a) (i.e., the maximum soil arching height). For a given case, the higher the soil arching height, the greater the degree of soil arching effect. The parametric study shows that the friction coefficient of the embankment fill has a negligible influence on the formation and features of soil arching. However, embankment height is a key factor governing the formation and features of soil arching. In addition, pile clear spacing has a significant effect on the formation of soil arching, but not on its features.
Key words: Piled embankment, Numerical simulation, Discrete element method (DEM), Soil arching, Formation, Features
创新点:1. 基于接触力链网络的细观统计与分析并结合土拱结构的特点,对路堤中的接触力链进行划分;2. 从宏细观角度,揭示路堤中土拱结构的形态特征,并研究土拱结构随桩土相对位移增加的演化规律。
方法:1. 采用傅里叶级数近似法对接触力链组构各向异性进行统计与划分;2. 基于路堤填料位移、接触力分布以及组构各向异性主方向等的分布及变化规律,从宏细观角度对土拱结构的形态及其演化规律进行综合分析。
结论:1. 土拱结构是由路堤中大于1.5倍接触力均值的强力链构成,而弱力链则主要起支撑作用。2. 土拱结构随桩土相对位移的增加而历经倾斜剪切面→半圆形拱→悬链线形拱的演化规律,土拱结构的最大高度约为0.8倍桩净间距。3. 路堤填料内摩擦角对土拱结构的形态及演化规律几乎无影响;路堤填筑高度对土拱结构形态则有显著影响;桩净间距对土拱结构的演化有一定影响,但是对其最终形态特征则几乎无影响。
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