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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A

ISSN 1673-565X(Print), 1862-1775(Online), Monthly

Control measures for thermal effects during placement of span-scale girder segments on continuous steel box girder bridges

Abstract: In this study, we examined the thermal effects throughout the process of the placement of span-scale girder segments on a 6×110-m continuous steel box girder in the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. Firstly, when a span-scale girder segment is temporarily stored in the open air, temperature gradients will significantly increase the maximum reaction force on temporary supports and cause local buckling at the bottom of the girder segment. Secondly, due to the temperature difference of the girder segments before and after girth-welding, some residual thermal deflections will appear on the girder segments because the boundary conditions of the structure are changed by the girth-welding. Thirdly, the thermal expansion and thermal bending of girder segments will cause movement and rotation of bearings, which must be considered in setting bearings. We propose control measures for these problems based on finite element method simulation with field-measured temperatures. The local buckling during open-air storage can be avoided by reasonably determining the appropriate positions of temporary supports using analysis of overall and local stresses. The residual thermal deflections can be overcome by performing girth-welding during a period when the vertical temperature difference of the girder is within 1 °C, such as after 22:00. Some formulas are proposed to determine the pre-set distances for bearings, in which the movement and rotation of the bearings due to dead loads and thermal loads are considered. Finally, the feasibility of these control measures in the placement of span-scale girder segments on a real continuous girder was verified: no local buckling was observed during open-air storage; the residual thermal deflections after girth-welding were controlled within 5 mm and the residual pre-set distances of bearings when the whole continuous girder reached its design state were controlled within 20 mm.

Key words: Steel box girder; Span-scale girder segments; Construction process; Thermal effects; Control measures

Chinese Summary  <28> 连续钢箱梁桥整孔安装施工全过程的温度效应控制措施

关键词组:钢箱梁; 整孔安装; 施工过程; 温度效应; 控制措施

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