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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A

ISSN 1673-565X(Print), 1862-1775(Online), Monthly

Biomaterial types, properties, medical applications, and other factors: a recent review

Abstract: Biomaterial research has been going on for several years, and many companies are heavily investing in new product development. However, it is a contentious field of science. Biomaterial science is a field that combines materials science and medicine. The replacement or restoration of damaged tissues or organs enhances the patient’s quality of life. The deciding aspect is whether or not the body will accept a biomaterial. A biomaterial used for an implant must possess certain qualities to survive a long time. When a biomaterial is used for an implant, it must have specific properties to be long-lasting. A variety of materials are used in biomedical applications. They are widely used today and can be used individually or in combination. This review will aid researchers in the selection and assessment of biomaterials. Before using a biomaterial, its mechanical and physical properties should be considered. Recent biomaterials have a structure that closely resembles that of tissue. Anti-infective biomaterials and surfaces are being developed using advanced antifouling, bactericidal, and antibiofilm technologies. This review tries to cover critical features of biomaterials needed for tissue engineering, such as bioactivity, self-assembly, structural hierarchy, applications, heart valves, skin repair, bio-design, essential ideas in biomaterials, bioactive biomaterials, bioresorbable biomaterials, biomaterials in medical practice, biomedical function for design, biomaterial properties such as biocompatibility, heat response, non-toxicity, mechanical properties, physical properties, wear, and corrosion, as well as biomaterial properties such surfaces that are antibacterial, nanostructured materials, and biofilm disrupting compounds, are all being investigated. It is technically possible to stop the spread of implant infection.

Key words: Surface severe plastic deformation (SSPD); Hyaluronan (HA); Extracellular matrix (ECM); Polyvinylchloride (PVC); Tissue engineering (TE)

Chinese Summary  <182> 最新综述:生物材料类型、性能、医疗应用及其他因素

作者:Reeya AGRAWAL1,3, Anjan KUMAR1, Mustafa K. A. MOHAMMED2, Sangeeta SINGH3
机构:1VLSI Research Centre, GLA University, 281406 Mathura, India;2Radiological Techniques Department, Al-Mustaqbal University College, 51001 Hillah, Babylon, Iraq;3Microelectronics & VLSI Lab, National Institute of Technology, Patna 800005, India


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