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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B

ISSN 1673-1581(Print), 1862-1783(Online), Monthly

Spatial and seasonal characterization of net primary productivity and climate variables in southeastern China using MODIS data

Abstract: We developed a sophisticated method to depict the spatial and seasonal characterization of net primary productivity (NPP) and climate variables. The role of climate variability in the seasonal variation of NPP exerts delayed and continuous effects. This study expands on this by mapping the seasonal characterization of NPP and climate variables from space using geographic information system (GIS) technology at the pixel level. Our approach was developed in southeastern China using moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) data. The results showed that air temperature, precipitation and sunshine percentage contributed significantly to seasonal variation of NPP. In the northern portion of the study area, a significant positive 32-d lagged correlation was observed between seasonal variation of NPP and climate (P<0.01), and the influences of changing climate on NPP lasted for 48 d or 64 d. In central southeastern China, NPP showed 16-d, 48-d, and 96-d lagged correlation with air temperature, precipitation, and sunshine percentage, respectively (P<0.01); the influences of air temperature and precipitation on NPP lasted for 48 d or 64 d, while sunshine influence on NPP only persisted for 16 d. Due to complex topography and vegetation distribution in the southern part of the study region, the spatial patterns of vegetation-climate relationship became complicated and diversiform, especially for precipitation influences on NPP. In the northern part of the study area, all vegetation NPP had an almost similar response to seasonal variation of air temperature except for broad crops. The impacts of seasonal variation of precipitation and sunshine on broad and cereal crop NPP were slightly different from other vegetation NPP.

Key words: Net primary productivity, Climate variables, Spatial characterization, Lagged cross-correlation, Moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer, Geographic information system technology

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