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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B

ISSN 1673-1581(Print), 1862-1783(Online), Monthly

Is editing the roadblock to the internationalization of Chinese academic journals?

Abstract: “China’s internationalization” is in part realized through the dissemination of Chinese publications, such as academic journals. Therefore, editorial proficiency in the English language is of vital importance to the quality of the journals. This article analyzes the results of the two projects sponsored by the General Administration of Press and Publication of the People’s Republic of China in 2007 and 2010 respectively, namely the “Analytical Evaluation of Language and Editing Quality of Chinese Academic Journals in English Language Issued in 2006”, and the “Evaluation of Publication Quality of the China-Grown English Periodicals Issued in 2009, Sanctioned from 2005 to 2009”, and proposes solutions to the problems presented therein.

Key words: China internationalization, Quality of academic journals, Editorial proficiency

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Open peer comments: Debate/Discuss/Question/Opinion


Professor Diane Perushek@University of Hawaii<>

2011-10-29 21:34:28

Professor Lu’s article on the internationalization of Chinese academic journals provides an excellent synopsis of the history of English-language scholarly journals in China and the place of current journals in the international academic realm as well as offering a fresh analysis of the relevant studies done by the Chinese GAPP over the past several years. It is enlightening to read her exposition of the inner workings of academic journal publishing in China and the role of various organizations in training editors and improving their skills. Professor Lu’s hypothesis that editing can be a stumbling block to the worldwide acceptance of Chinese English-language journals is thoughtful and her proof (and even suggestions for remediation) is convincing. The intriguing questions she leaves open will provide research topics for future scholars: Where do other countries stand vis-à-vis an analysis of their own English language journal’s level of editing; is Chinese merely going through editing growing pains or have Chinese academic journals in English reached a world-class level already compared to other countries such as Russia for example; what more can international publishing groups do regarding Chinese and all international editing of English-language journals? This article can be employed by scholars and professionals in the fields of history of publishing academic internationalization world publishing and academic editing.

Professor Dr. Wolfram Ressel@University of Stuttgart<>

2011-10-14 14:25:52

I am a researcher and professor of Pharmacology in Germany. I find this article very interesting and significant. I’ve read many Chinese articles in English and sometimes feel somewhat confused due to the non-proficiency in the use of English language. Chinese researchers’ ability to do excellent research can not be fully revealed to the international world if they do not have the capability to express their ideas properly. I agree China should attach more importance to the training of editors.

Robert Ferrari@University of Alberta<>

2011-10-10 13:27:21

Correction to text: "If China desires to bring its journals to a level of international acceptance and recognition their English language training programs especially in scientific writing are the first critical step towards this goal. Chinese researchers have the ability to conduct excellent research but without proper communication skills that research will not be disseminated widely." The importance of editing!

Robert Ferrari@University of Alberta Edmonton Alberta Canada<>

2011-10-10 11:14:42

I am a researcher and professor of medicine in Canada. I find this article to represent a very important perspective. Language is important. Language can break down cultural and other barriers. A failure in language skills will only create barriers. If China desires to bring its journals to a level of international acceptance and recognition their English language training programs especially in scientific writing is the first critical step towards this goal. Chinese researchers have the ability to conduct excellent research but without the proper communication skills that research will not be disseminated widely. To achieve this scientific journals will need adequate funding for language training programs and editing of scientific manuscripts of the highest quality.

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