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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B

ISSN 1673-1581(Print), 1862-1783(Online), Monthly

Gorham-Stout syndrome in mainland China: a case series of 67 patients and review of the literature

Abstract: Objective: Gorham-Stout syndrome (GSS) is a rare disorder of uncertain etiology and unpredictable prognosis. This study aims to present a comprehensive understanding of this rare entity. Methods: A literature search in PubMed and three Chinese databases was performed to screen histologically proven GSS cases among Chinese residents in the mainland. We analyzed the patients’ clinical characteristics, the value of different treatment modalities and their influence on the clinical outcome. Results: Sixty-seven cases were finally enrolled. There were 43 men (64.2%) and 24 women (35.8%). The mean age at diagnosis was 28 years (1.5–71 years). The most common clinical symptoms included pain (n=40, 59.7%), functional impairment (n=13, 19.4%), and swelling (n=12, 17.9%). The radiographic presentation of 37 cases (55.2%) was disappearance of a portion of the bone. The others presented as radiolucent foci in the intramedullary or subcortical regions. A total of 42 cases provided data on therapy, these included surgery (n=27, 40.3%), radiation therapy (n=6, 9.0%), surgery combined with radiation therapy (n=2, 3.0%), and medicine therapy (n=7, 10.4%). For 30 of these 42 cases, follow-up data were available: 21 cases had the disorder locally controlled and 9 had a symptom progression. Fortunately, the disease is not fatal in the majority of cases. Conclusions: GSS has no specific symptoms and it should be taken into consideration when an unclear massive osteolysis occurs. The efficacies of different treatment modalities are still unpredictable and further research is required to assess the values of different treatments.

Key words: Gorham-Stout syndrome (GSS), Massive osteolysis, Chinese

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