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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B

ISSN 1673-1581(Print), 1862-1783(Online), Monthly

Effects of a controlled-release fertilizer on yield, nutrient uptake, and fertilizer usage efficiency in early ripening rapeseed (Brassica napus L.)

Abstract: Background: Nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), and potassium (K) are critical nutrient elements necessary for crop plant growth and development. However, excessive inputs will lead to inefficient usage and cause excessive nutrient losses in the field environment, and also adversely affect the soil, water and air quality, human health, and biodiversity. Methods: Field experiments were conducted to study the effects of controlled-release fertilizer (CRF) on seed yield, plant growth, nutrient uptake, and fertilizer usage efficiency for early ripening rapeseed (Xiangzayou 1613) in the red-yellow soil of southern China during 2011–2013. It was grown using a soluble fertilizer (SF) and the same amounts of CRF, such as SF1/CRF1 (3750 kg/hm2), SF2/CRF2 (3000 kg/hm2), SF3/CRF3 (2250 kg/hm2), SF4/CRF4 (1500 kg/hm2), SF5/CRF5 (750 kg/hm2), and also using no fertilizer (CK). Results: CRF gave higher seed yields than SF in both seasons by 14.51%. CRF4 and SF3 in each group achieved maximum seed yield (2066.97 and 1844.50 kg/hm2, respectively), followed by CRF3 (1929.97 kg/hm2) and SF4 (1839.40 kg/hm2). There were no significant differences in seed yield among CK, SF1, and CRF1 (P>0.05). CRF4 had the highest profit (7126.4 CNY/hm2) and showed an increase of 12.37% in seed yield, and it decreased by 11.01% in unit fertilizer rate compared with SF4. The branch number, pod number, and dry matter weight compared with SF increased significantly under the fertilization of CRF (P<0.05). The pod number per plant was the major contributor to seed yield. On the other hand, the N, P, and K uptakes increased at first and then decreased with increasing the fertilizer rate at maturity, and the N, P, and K usage efficiency decreased with increasing the fertilizer rate. The N, P, and K uptakes and usage efficiencies of the CRF were significantly higher than those of SF (P<0.05). The N accumulation and N usage efficiency of CRF increased by an average of 13.66% and 9.74 percentage points, respectively, compared to SF. In conclusion, CRF significantly promoted the growth of rapeseed with using total N as the base fertilizer, by providing sufficient N in the later growth stages, and last by reducing the residual N in the soil and increasing the N accumulation and N usage efficiency.

Key words: Early ripening rapeseed, Controlled-release fertilizer, Yield, Nutrient uptake, Fertilizer usage efficiency

Chinese Summary  <39> æŽ§é‡Šè‚¥æ–™å¯¹æ—©ç†Ÿæ²¹èœäº§é‡ã€å…»åˆ†å¸æ”¶å’Œè‚¥æ–™åˆ©ç”¨çŽ‡çš„å½±å“

目的:氮(N)ã€ç£·ï¼ˆP)和钾(K)是作物生长å‘育所必需的è¥å…»å…ƒç´ ã€‚然而,过度地投入会导致田间低效的利用率,造æˆå¤§é‡å…»åˆ†æŸå¤±ï¼Œå½±å“土壤ã€æ°´å’Œå¤§æ°”çš„è´¨é‡ï¼Œä»¥åŠäººç±»å¥åº·å’Œç”Ÿç‰©å¤šæ ·æ€§ã€‚因此,本实验研究控释肥料(CRF)是å¦å¯ä»¥æ›¿ä»£å¯æº¶æ€§è‚¥æ–™ï¼ˆSF),有效地增加作物产é‡ï¼Œæ高肥料利用率,å‡å°‘田间养分æŸå¤±ã€‚
创新点:连续2年(2011~2013年)在中国å—方红黄壤地区开展田间试验,研究控释肥料对早熟油èœï¼ˆæ¹˜æ‚æ²¹1613)的产é‡ã€ç”Ÿé•¿ã€å…»åˆ†å¸æ”¶å’Œè‚¥æ–™åˆ©ç”¨çŽ‡çš„å½±å“。å¯æ›´å¥½åœ°è§£å†³ç¨»?稻?油生产过程中的季节矛盾,简化油èœç”Ÿäº§æ¨¡å¼ï¼Œå¢žåŠ å†œæ°‘收入,并确ä¿å›½å®¶ç²®æ²¹å®‰å…¨ã€‚
方法:设置SF和等é‡CRF五个施用é‡å¤„ç†ï¼Œå³SF1/CRF1(3750 kg/hm2)ã€SF2/CRF2(3000 kg/hm2)ã€SF3/ CRF3(2250 kg/hm2)ã€SF4/CRF4(1500 kg/hm2)和SF5/CRF5(750 kg/hm2),以åŠä¸æ–½è‚¥å¤„ç†ï¼ˆCK)。
结论:CRF处ç†æ²¹èœäº§é‡è¾ƒSF处ç†ä¸¤å¹´å¹³å‡æ高14.51%,其中CRF4å’ŒSF3处ç†èŽ·å¾—最大产é‡ï¼ˆ2066.97å’Œ1844.50 kg/hm2),其次是CRF3处ç†ï¼ˆ1929.97 kg/hm2)和SF4处ç†ï¼ˆ1839.40 kg/hm2)。此外,CRF4处ç†åˆ©æ¶¦æœ€é«˜ï¼ˆäººæ°‘å¸7126.4å…ƒæ¯å…¬é¡·ï¼‰ï¼Œä¸ŽSF4处ç†ç›¸æ¯”,其油èœäº§é‡å¢žåŠ 12.37%å’Œå•ä½è‚¥æ–™æ–½ç”¨é‡ä¸‹é™11.01%。较SF处ç†ï¼ŒCRF处ç†æ˜¾è‘—增加油èœåˆ†æ”¯æ•°ã€è§’果数和干物质é‡é‡ï¼ˆP<0.05)。å•æ ªè§’果数是油èœäº§é‡æž„æˆçš„主è¦å› ç´ ã€‚éšç€è‚¥æ–™æ–½ç”¨é‡çš„增加,Nã€På’ŒKå¸æ”¶é‡å…ˆå¢žåŠ åŽä¸‹é™ï¼Œè€ŒNã€På’ŒK利用率å‡é™ä½Žã€‚åŒæ—¶ï¼ŒCRF处ç†çš„Nã€Pã€Kå¸æ”¶é‡å’ŒNã€Pã€K利用率显著高于SF处ç†çš„结果(P<0.05)。CRF处ç†N素累积é‡å’ŒN素利用率较SF处ç†å¹³å‡æ高13.66%å’Œ9.74个百分点。总之,CRF一次性基施显著促进油èœçš„生长å‘育,通过æä¾›åŽæœŸç”Ÿé•¿é˜¶æ®µè¶³å¤Ÿçš„养分,最终å‡å°‘了土壤中的养分残余和增加了æ¤æ ªçš„养分积累,æ高了肥料利用率。


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