Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B
ISSN 1673-1581(Print), 1862-1783(Online), Monthly
2018 Vol.19 No.9 P.718-725
Clinical analysis of minimally invasive McKeown esophagectomy in a single center by a single medical group
Abstract: Objective: McKeown esophagectomy followed by cervical and abdominal procedures has been commonly used for invasive esophageal carcinoma. This minimally-invasive operative procedure in the lateral prone position has been considered to be the most appropriate method. We describe our experiences in minimally invasive McKeown esophagectomy (MIME) for esophageal cancer. Methods: Between March 2016 and February 2018, a total of 82 patients underwent MIME by a single group in our department (a single center). All procedure, operation, oncology, and complication data were reviewed. Results: All MIME procedures were completed successfully, with no conversions to open surgery. The median operative time was 260 min, and median blood loss was 100 ml. The average number of total harvested lymph nodes was 20.1 in the chest and 13.5 in the abdomen. There were no deaths within 30 postoperative days. Twenty cases (24.4%) developed postoperative complications, including anastomotic leak in 4 (4.9%), single lateral recurrent nerve palsy in 4 (4.9%), bilateral recurrent nerve palsy in 1 (1.2%), pulmonary problems in 3 (3.7%), chyle leak in 1 (1.2%), and other complications in 7 (including pleural effusions in 4, incomplete ileus in 2, and neck incision infection in 1; 8.54%). Average postoperative hospitalization time was 12 d. Blood loss, operation time, morbidity rate, and the number of harvested lymph nodes were analyzed by evaluating learning curves in different periods. Significant differences were found in operative time (P=0.006), postoperative hospitalization days (P=0.015), total harvested lymph nodes (P=0.003), harvested thoracic lymph nodes (P=0.006), and harvested abdominal lymph nodes (P=0.022) among different periods. Conclusions: Surgical outcomes following MIME for esophageal cancer are safe and acceptable. The MIME procedure for stages I and II could be performed proficiently and reached an experience plateau after approximately 25 cases.
Key words: Minimally invasive McKeown esophagectomy (MIME); Surgical procedure; Learning curve
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