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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B

ISSN 1673-1581(Print), 1862-1783(Online), Monthly

Erratum to: Inhibition of chemotherapy-related breast tumor EMT by application of redox-sensitive siRNA delivery system CSO-ss-SA/siRNA along with doxorubicin treatment

Abstract: The online version of the original article can be found at original version of this article (Liu et al., 2020) unfortunately contained some mistakes.1. Figs. 7c and 7d in p.229 were incorrect. The upper left and bottom left pictures in Fig. 7c were accidentally duplicated with the pictures at the same position of Fig. 1a. The upper right and bottom right pictures were mistakenly placed in Fig. 7c. Therefore, the calculation results in Fig. 7d were also mistaken. The correct versions should be as follows:2. Because of the wrong pictures of Fig. 7c, the calculated results of "42.5%" in Abstract, Sections 3.9 and 5 are also mistaken. The correct result should be "45.2%."(1) Lines 10–12 of Abstract in p.218: "CSO-ss-SA/siRNA could effectively transmit siRNA into tumor cells, reducing the expression of RAC1 protein by 38.2% and decreasing the number of tumor-induced invasion cells by 42.5%." was incorrect. The correct version should be "CSO-ss-SA/siRNA could effectively transmit siRNA into tumor cells, reducing the expression of RAC1 protein by 38.2% and decreasing the number of tumor-induced invasion cells by 45.2%."(2) Lines 23–26 of Section 3.9 in p.227: "It was shown that the number of invasive tumor cells induced by DOX was reduced by 42.5% since CSO-ss-SA/siRNA downregulated the expression of RAC1 protein." was incorrect. The correct version should be "It was shown that the number of invasive tumor cells induced by DOX was reduced by 45.2% since CSO-ss-SA/siRNA downregulated the expression of RAC1 protein."(3) Lines 4–8 of Section 5 in p.231: "CSO-ss-SA, as an efficient redox-sensitive carrier for delivering siRNA silencing RAC1 into tumor cells, reduced the expression of RAC1 by 38.2% and decreased DOX-induced tumor invasion cells by 42.5% in vitro." was incorrect. The correct version should be "CSO-ss-SA, as an efficient redox-sensitive carrier for delivering siRNA silencing RAC1 into tumor cells, reduced the expression of RAC1 by 38.2% and decreased DOX-induced tumor invasion cells by 45.2% in vitro."

Key words: Doxorubicin; Tumor metastasis; Ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1 (RAC1); Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT); Chitosan micelles; Small interfering RNA (siRNA)

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