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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B

ISSN 1673-1581(Print), 1862-1783(Online), Monthly

Tartary buckwheat database (TBD): an integrative platform for gene analysis of and biological information on Tartary buckwheat

Abstract: Rice, wheat, corn, and potatoes are four crops that provide a daily source of nutrition for humans, but there are many problems that have been found with these crops. First, they lack amino acids and minerals which are necessary for balanced nutrition, and they also are grown very widely and as monocultures, which increases the risk of the human food system being destroyed by climate change. Thus, by introducing coarse cereals with good characteristics, we can enrich human food resources, realize agricultural diversification, improve dietary structure, and mitigate risks. Tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum) is a widely cultivated edible and medicinal crop with unique nutritional and excellent economic value. It contains flavonoids, such as rutin and quercetin, which are not found in cereal crops. Rutin is a major flavonoid that can enhance blood flow and aid in the use of vitamin C and the production of collagen. In addition, such antioxidants have been shown to effectively reduce cholesterol levels, blood clots, and hypertension, particularly for the prevention of inflammatory liver injury (Middleton et al., 2000; Lee et al., 2013; Suzuki et al., 2014; Huang et al., 2016; Nishimura et al., 2016). Meanwhile, Tartary buckwheat can tolerate poor climate and acidic soils containing high amounts of aluminum, which is toxic to other crops (Wang et al., 2015). The self-pollination of Tartary buckwheat has resulted in a decrease in genomic heterozygosity, which is valuable for breeding and a stable production trait (Wang and Campbell, 2007). Therefore, Tartary buckwheat is an important minor crop, which is expected to become the target of many breeding efforts in the future.

Key words: Tartary buckwheat database; Transcription factors; Expression profiles; qRT-PCR

Chinese Summary  <26> 苦荞数据库:一个苦荞基因分析和生物信息的综合平台

概要:本研究首次构建了苦荞数据库,该数据库提供了苦荞基因在不同组织和不同阶段果实中表达量,苦荞基因的荧光定量引物,以及苦荞转录因子家族生物信息学信息。我们在苦荞不同组织和不同发育阶段果实转录组数据中收集苦荞基因的表达图谱,共检测到31 839个基因,其中在根中表达的有26 426个基因,在茎中表达的有24 716基因,在叶中表达的有24 227个基因,在花中表达的有27 533个基因。并利用Primer 3软件为每个苦荞基因都提供了5对荧光定量引物。此外,我们还从苦荞基因组中鉴定到了14个转录因子家族中974个转录因子的基因结构、分子量、等电点、染色体位置和基因定位信息。


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