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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B

ISSN 1673-1581(Print), 1862-1783(Online), Monthly

<<<                         CONTENTS                         >>>

Special Feature: Current advances in tumor immunobiology and immune therapy (Guest Editor-in-Chief: Xinguo JIANG)

Editorial: Lymphatic vessels, miRNAs, and CAR T cells in tumor immunology

Xinguo Jiang

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.B1910003 Downloaded: 2172 Clicked: 3722 Cited: 0 Commented: 0(p.1-2) <Full Text>

Review: Lymphatic vasculature in tumor metastasis and immunobiology

Xinguo Jiang

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.B1800633 Downloaded: 2716 Clicked: 13052 Cited: 0 Commented: 0(p.3-11) <Full Text><PPT> 1732

Chinese summary   <120>  淋巴血管在肿瘤转移和免疫生物学中的作用


Review: MicroRNAs in tumor immunity: functional regulation in tumor-associated macrophages

Chong Chen, Jia-Ming Liu, Yun-Ping Luo

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.B1900452 Downloaded: 4145 Clicked: 6439 Cited: 0 Commented: 0(p.12-28) <Full Text><PPT> 3482

Chinese summary   <327>  MicroRNA在肿瘤免疫中的作用:对肿瘤相关巨噬细胞的功能调控


Review: Current advances in chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy for refractory/relapsed multiple myeloma

He Huang, Heng-Wei Wu, Yong-Xian Hu

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.B1900351 Downloaded: 2595 Clicked: 5239 Cited: 0 Commented: 0(p.29-41) <Full Text><PPT> 2030

Chinese summary   <117>  嵌合抗原受体T细胞在治疗难治/复发多发性骨髓瘤中的新进展


Regular Papers

Relationships between blood leukocyte mitochondrial DNA copy number and inflammatory cytokines in knee osteoarthritis

Dong Zhan, Aree Tanavalee, Saran Tantavisut, Srihatach Ngarmukos, Steven W. Edwards, Sittisak Honsawek

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.B1900352 Downloaded: 2063 Clicked: 3664 Cited: 0 Commented: 0(p.42-52) <Full Text><PPT> 1790

Chinese summary   <118>  膝骨关节炎患者全血白细胞线粒体DNA复制数量和血浆炎性细胞因子的相关性研究


Psychophysiological and cognitive effects of strawberry plants on people in isolated environments

Zhao-Ming Li, Hui Liu, Wen-Zhu Zhang, Hong Liu

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.B1900331 Downloaded: 2061 Clicked: 3487 Cited: 0 Commented: 0(p.53-63) <Full Text><PPT> 1769

Chinese summary   <126>  草莓对隔离环境中人的生理、心理及认知的影响


Carfilzomib inhibits the growth of lung adenocarcinoma via upregulation of Gadd45a expression

Fang Yang, Wang-Wang Liu, Hui Chen, Jia Zhu, Ai-Hua Huang, Fei Zhou, Yi Gan, Yan-Hua Zhang, Li Ma

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.B1900551 Downloaded: 2311 Clicked: 3642 Cited: 0 Commented: 0(p.64-76) <Full Text><PPT> 1759

Chinese summary   <116>  Carfilzomib通过上调Gadd45a表达抑制肺腺癌细胞生长


Toxicity and metabolism of 3-bromopyruvate in Caenorhabditis elegans

Qiao-ling Gu, Yan Zhang, Xi-mei Fu, Zhao-lian Lu, Yao Yu, Gen Chen, Rong Ma, Wei Kou, Yong-mei Lan

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.B1900370 Downloaded: 2146 Clicked: 3109 Cited: 0 Commented: 0(p.77-86) <Full Text><PPT> 1790

Chinese summary   <115>  3-溴丙酮酸对秀丽隐杆线虫的毒性和代谢的影响


Correspondence: Modified stepwise mini-incision microdissection testicular sperm extraction: a useful technique for patients with a history of orchidopexy affected by non-obstructive azoospermia

Peng Li, Chen-Cheng Yao, Er-Lei Zhi, Yuan Xu, Zhong Wan, Ying-Chuan Jiang, Yu-Hua huang, Yue-Hua gong, Hui-Xing Chen, Ru-Hui Tian, Chao Yang, Liang-Yu Zhao, Zheng Li

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.B1900232 Downloaded: 2371 Clicked: 3866 Cited: 0 Commented: 0(p.87-92) <Full Text><PPT> 1987

Chinese summary   <116>  分步法小切口改良睾丸显微取精术在隐睾下降固定术后非梗阻性无精子症的临床应用研究


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