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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A

ISSN 1673-565X(Print), 1862-1775(Online), Monthly

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Civil Engineering & Mechanics

Analytical solution for functionally graded anisotropic cantilever beam under thermal and uniformly distributed load

HUANG De-jin, DING Hao-jiang, CHEN Wei-qiu

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2007.A1351 Downloaded: 3972 Clicked: 6810 Cited: 9 Commented: 0(p.1351-1355) <Full Text>

Bond strength improvement of GFRP rebars with different rib geometries

HAO Qing-duo, WANG Yan-lei, ZHANG Zhi-chun, OU Jin-ping

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2007.A1356 Downloaded: 4770 Clicked: 6998 Cited: 4 Commented: 0(p.1356-1365) <Full Text>

Initial pre-stress finding procedure and structural performance research for Levy cable dome based on linear adjustment theory

ZHANG Li-mei, CHEN Wu-jun, DONG Shi-lin

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2007.A1366 Downloaded: 3631 Clicked: 6701 Cited: 4 Commented: 0(p.1366-1372) <Full Text>

Finite element modeling for analysis of cracked cylindrical pipes

SUNG Wen-pei, GO Cheer-germ, SHIH Ming-hsiang

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2007.A1373 Downloaded: 3384 Clicked: 6649 Cited: 0 Commented: 0(p.1373-1379) <Full Text>

Expansion of spherical cavity of strain-softening materials with different elastic moduli of tension and compression

LUO Zhan-you, ZHU Xiang-rong, GONG Xiao-nan

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2007.A1380 Downloaded: 3711 Clicked: 5960 Cited: 2 Commented: 0(p.1380-1387) <Full Text>

Dual influence of the rejuvenation of Southern Tianshan and Western Kunlun orogen on the Cenozoic structure deformation of Tarim Basin, northwestern China: A superposition deformation model from Bachu Uplift

HE Guang-yu, HE Zhi-liang, ZHANG Hong-an, ZHU Zhi-xin, CHEN Qiang-lu, QIAN Yi-xiong, GU Yi

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2007.A1388 Downloaded: 3355 Clicked: 6602 Cited: 1 Commented: 0(p.1388-1394) <Full Text>

Mathematical modelling of translational motion of rail-guided cart with suspended payload


DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2007.A1395 Downloaded: 3254 Clicked: 6210 Cited: 2 Commented: 0(p.1395-1400) <Full Text>

On the stochastic dynamics of molecular conformation

DENG Mao-lin, ZHU Wei-qiu

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2007.A1401 Downloaded: 3283 Clicked: 5742 Cited: 0 Commented: 0(p.1401-1407) <Full Text>

Nonlinear dynamics analysis of a new autonomous chaotic system

CHU Yan-dong, LI Xian-feng, ZHANG Jian-gang, CHANG Ying-xiang

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2007.A1408 Downloaded: 3536 Clicked: 6243 Cited: 7 Commented: 0(p.1408-1413) <Full Text>

Numerical investigation on the flow and power of small-sized multi-bladed straight Darrieus wind turbine

JIANG Zhi-chao, DOI Yasuaki, ZHANG Shu-you

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2007.A1414 Downloaded: 3411 Clicked: 6511 Cited: 10 Commented: 0(p.1414-1421) <Full Text>

Study on hydrodynamic vibration in fluidic flowmeter

WANG Chi-yu, ZOU Jun, FU Xin, YANG Hua-yong

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2007.A1422 Downloaded: 3592 Clicked: 6749 Cited: 7 Commented: 0(p.1422-1428) <Full Text>

Active disturbance rejection control for hydraulic width control system for rough mill

ZOU Jun, FU Xin, YANG Hua-yong

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2007.A1429 Downloaded: 3807 Clicked: 6676 Cited: 0 Commented: 0(p.1429-1434) <Full Text>

Primary instabilities and bicriticality in fiber suspensions between rotating cylinders

WAN Zhan-hong, SUN Zhi-lin, YOU Zhen-jiang

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2007.A1435 Downloaded: 3239 Clicked: 5591 Cited: 1 Commented: 0(p.1435-1442) <Full Text>

Performance of the geometric approach to fault detection and isolation in SISO, MISO, SIMO and MIMO systems


DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2007.A1443 Downloaded: 3593 Clicked: 6403 Cited: 0 Commented: 0(p.1443-1451) <Full Text>

Influence of input acoustic power on regenerator’s performance

TANG Ke, HUANG Zhong-jie, JIN Tao, BAO Rui, CHEN Guo-bang

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2007.A1452 Downloaded: 3287 Clicked: 5853 Cited: 3 Commented: 0(p.1452-1456) <Full Text>

Environmental & Energy Engineering

Science Letters: Anodic oxidation of salicylic acid at Ta/BDD electrode

ZHANG Juan, CHEN Xue-ming, YAO Pei-dong, CHEN Guo-hua

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2007.A1457 Downloaded: 3480 Clicked: 6222 Cited: 3 Commented: 0(p.1457-1461) <Full Text>

Investigating the potential of using acoustic frequency on the degradation of linear alkylbenzen sulfonates from aqueous solution

DEHGHANI Mohammad Hadi, MAHVI Amir Hossein, NAJAFPOOR Ali Asghar, AZAM Kamal

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2007.A1462 Downloaded: 3559 Clicked: 6049 Cited: 9 Commented: 0(p.1462-1468) <Full Text>

Isolation and characteristics of Arthrobacter sp. strain CW-1 for biodegradation of PAEs

WU Dong-lei, ZHENG Ping, MAHMOOD Qaisar, YANG Xiao-sheng

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2007.A1469 Downloaded: 3901 Clicked: 6435 Cited: 2 Commented: 0(p.1469-1474) <Full Text>

Using chloramine as a coagulant aid in enhancing coagulation of Yellow River water in China

YANG Wei, CHEN Jie, LI Xing, LIANG Heng, HE Wen-jie, LI Gui-bai

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2007.A1475 Downloaded: 3594 Clicked: 6330 Cited: 3 Commented: 0(p.1475-1481) <Full Text>

Water quality forecast through application of BP neural network at Yuqiao reservoir

ZHAO Ying, NAN Jun, CUI Fu-yi, GUO Liang

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2007.A1482 Downloaded: 4119 Clicked: 7036 Cited: 21 Commented: 0(p.1482-1487) <Full Text>

Evaluation and optimization of secondary water supply system renovation

TIAN Yi-mei, SI Yan-jie, LI Hong, WU Mi-fang

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2007.A1488 Downloaded: 3541 Clicked: 6384 Cited: 4 Commented: 0(p.1488-1494) <Full Text>

Fluidized-bed pyrolysis of waste bamboo

XIAO Gang, NI Ming-jiang, HUANG He, CHI Yong, XIAO Rui, ZHONG Zhao-ping, CEN Ke-fa

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2007.A1495 Downloaded: 3505 Clicked: 6778 Cited: 12 Commented: 0(p.1495-1499) <Full Text>

Studying on the increasing temperature in IT-SOFC: Effect of heat sources


DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2007.A1500 Downloaded: 3504 Clicked: 7297 Cited: 3 Commented: 0(p.1500-1504) <Full Text>

Nonlinear modelling of a SOFC stack by improved neural networks identification

WU Xiao-juan, ZHU Xin-jian, CAO Guang-yi, TU Heng-yong

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2007.A1505 Downloaded: 3683 Clicked: 6760 Cited: 6 Commented: 0(p.1505-1509) <Full Text>

Materials Science & Chemical Engineering

Hydrogen storage properties of ball-milled Mg-based composite with PdCl2 additive

WANG Xiu-li, TU Jiang-ping, ZHANG Pei-long, ZHAO Xin-bing

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2007.A1510 Downloaded: 3625 Clicked: 7672 Cited: 2 Commented: 0(p.1510-1513) <Full Text>

Reuse of waste frying oil for production of rhamnolipids using Pseudomonas aeruginosa zju.u1M

ZHU Yong, GAN Jun-jiang, ZHANG Guo-liang, YAO Bin, ZHU Wen-jie, MENG Qin

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2007.A1514 Downloaded: 4309 Clicked: 6426 Cited: 25 Commented: 0(p.1514-1520) <Full Text>

Lovastatin production by Aspergillus terreus in solid-state fermentation

WEI Pei-lian, XU Zhi-nan, CEN Pei-lin

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2007.A1521 Downloaded: 4944 Clicked: 6592 Cited: 14 Commented: 0(p.1521-1526) <Full Text>

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