Information for Submission
Aims & Scope
The Journals of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE (A/B/C) are reviewed & edited by an international board of distinguished scientists, and aim to present the latest developments and achievements in scientific research articles, reviews, science letters, new technical notes and methods, etc.
JZUS-A focuses on Applied Physics & Engineering;
JZUS-B focuses on Biomedicine, Biochemistry & Biotechnology;
JZUS-C focuses on Computers, Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
Manuscript Preparation
Authors are encouraged to submit their whole manuscripts (in one column, 10.5 pt font size, with all figures and tables) via online submission at for JZUS-A for JZUS-B for JZUS-C
The electronic manuscript should be prepared to accord with the following:
Title and by-line:
Name, affiliation (institution) of the author(s), city, zip code, country, and email address of the author(s) should be given.
About 150–250 words should outline the objective, method, main results, and conclusion without mathematical, equations, or cited marks.
Key words:
Provide 3 to 6 key words or phrases for cross-indexing this article.
The text should contain an Introduction that puts the paper into proper perspective for the reader, and should also contain Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion sections.
Individuals or units other than authors who were of direct help in the work should be acknowledged by a brief statement following the text.
References & Citation:
Personal communications and unpublished data are not acceptable references. Periodicals should be referred to in the Author-Data order: name of author(s), year, title of paper, name of periodical (in italics), Vol.(No.): pages, [DOI]. Books should be referred to in the order: name of author(s), year of publication, title of book, publishing house, city, pages. All authors in the references should be listed. The citation form of the author-date in the text consists of the author’s last (family) name. a comma, and the year of publication of the work.
Text citation examples:
One author: (Vandermeer, 1990)
Two authors: (Sun and Wang, 2000; Cao and Xu, 2001)
Three or more authors: (Moons et al., 1997; Schlag et al., 2000a; 2000b)
Reference list examples:
1. For journal articles
Hengartner, M.G., 2000. The biochemistry of apoptosis. Nature, 407(6805):770-775. [doi:10.1038/35037710]
Schröder, W.J., Zerge, J.A., Lorensen, W.E., 1992. Decimation of triangle meshes.
ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, 26(2):65-70.
2. For proceedings
Gorini, S., Quirini, M., Menciassi, A., Permorio, G., Stefanini, C., Dario, P., 2006. A Novel SMA-based Actuator for a Legged Endoscopic Capsule. First IEEE/RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, Pisa, Italy. IEEE, Piscataway, USA, p.443-449. [doi:10.1109/BIOROB.2006.1639128]
3. For whole books/monographs or chapters in edited books
Gregersen, H., 2006. Biomechanics of the Gastrointestinal Tract. People’s Medical Publishing House, Beijing, China, p.216-236 (in Chinese).
Prigogine, I., 1976. Order through Fluctuation: Self-organization and Social System.
In: Jantsch, E., Waddington, C. (Eds.), Evolution and Consciousness: Human Systems in Transition. Addison-Wesley, London, p.93-134.
4. For theses
Rizvi, U.H., 2006. Combined Multiple Transmit Antennas and Multi-level Modulation Techniques. MS Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
5. For reports
Sweeney, L., 2000. Uniqueness of Simple Demographics in the U.S. Population. Technical Report No. LIDAP-WP4, Laboratory for International Data Privacy, Carnegie Mellon University, PA.
Figures & Tables:
Figures must be placed in the text and have their captions for each one, thus Fig. 1a, Fig. 1b, etc. (There will be an extra charge for those graphics considered for publication in color. Authors are expected to use different line types to distinguish the different parts of a figure that they do not want to have published in color).
All tables must be mentioned in the text in consecutive order and must be numbered with Arabic numbers.
Copyright Protection & CrossCheck
The articles published in the Journals of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE (A/B/C) are protected by copyright, and cannot be legally published elsewhere in any form without written permission from JZUS(A/B/C). All author(s) should sign the Copyright Transfer Statement after the paper is accepted and before it is published in JZUS(A/B/C).
JZUS(A/B/C) was the first in China to join CrossCheck to fight against plagiarism and to ensure high ethical standards for all of the submitted papers. And CrossCheck is an effective tool for detecting unoriginal content, enabling our editors to preserve the Journal's integrity and the authors' copyright.
Ethical requirement
All materials must adhere to high ethical and animal welfare standards. Any use of animals must be based on ethological knowledge and respect for species- specific requirements for health and well-being. For investigations of human subjects, an appropriate institutional review board approved the project and the informed consent was obtained from the study participants.
Publishing fee
Publishing fee will be charged after the acceptance to support our cost and postal fee. The payment invoice will be sent only from
Polishing service
JZUS will supply a service for polishing the English
of authors who will have their papers
published in international journals all over the world. Our English language
experts are from UK, Canada and New Zealand. Please contact editor JIA Yan .
Attached files
How to write high-quality STM papers?
Report 1: 国际同行评审与中稿率—论文与伦理 (Helen ZHANG)
Report 2: How to write/edit scientific papers (Mr. Qinyuan Lou)
Report 3: Use of the definite and indefinite articles in the English language (Mr. Ian McIntosh)
How to write good English Scientific papers
Recipe for a Quality Scientific Paper: Fulfill Readers' and Reviewers' Expectations (in English) (in Chinese)by Yaoqi Zhou