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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A

ISSN 1673-565X(Print), 1862-1775(Online), Monthly

Effects of initial up-warp deformation on the stability of the CRTS II slab track at high temperatures

Abstract: Initial up-warp deformation is one of the key factors that affect the stability of the China Railway Track System type II (CRTS II) slab track. Through modeling analysis, we studied the effects of different initial up-warp conditions on the deformation and stability of a slab track at high temperatures. Based on the theory of ‘variable span length’ in continuous welded rail (CWR), a vertical stability analysis model of the CRTS II slab track was established using the finite element method (FEM), and a scale model test was conducted. The effects of initial up-warp deformation features, such as rise displacement, span length, and line type on the stability of track slabs at high temperatures were studied through simulation. Results showed that the trends of vertical displacement were almost the same based on the FEM, analytical method, and on-site testing, but there was a better agreement between results from the FEM and the analytical method. When the span length was 6.5 m and the rise displacement of the initial up-warp reached 15 mm, compressional destruction was most likely to occur on the concrete at the bottom of the apex. The rise-span ratio of the slab up-warp reached its maximum when the initial up-warp span was 6.5 m at high temperatures. It is easier for track slabs to maintain their original form at a high temperature when there is an angle at the apex or a smooth boundary. However, with a smooth boundary, the concrete at the bottom of the apex is more likely to suffer compressional destruction. Therefore, to ensure the stability of the CRTS II slab track, an initial up-warp with a span of 6.5 m and a rise of 15 mm should be avoided, and the effects of different line types of the initial up-warp also need to be considered.

Key words: High-speed railway; China Railway Track System type II (CRTS II) slab track; Initial up-warp; High temperature; Stability

Chinese Summary  <27> 初拱变形对CRTSII型板式轨道高温稳定性影响研究

关键词组:高速铁路;CRTS II型板式轨道;初拱变形;高温;稳定性

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