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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A

ISSN 1673-565X(Print), 1862-1775(Online), Monthly

<<<                         CONTENTS                         >>>

Mechanical and Civil Engineering

Analysis of streamwise conduction in forced convection of microchannels using fin approach

Suhandran Muniandy, Yew Mun Hung

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.A1000289 Downloaded: 3459 Clicked: 5454 Cited: 2 Commented: 0(p.655-664) <Full Text>

Analysis and optimal synthesis of single loop spatial mechanisms

Med Amine Laribi, Lotfi Romdhane, Saïd Zeghloul

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.A1000052 Downloaded: 3054 Clicked: 4641 Cited: 2 Commented: 0(p.665-679) <Full Text>

Retrofit of Ressalat jacket platform (Persian Gulf) using friction damper device

Y. Komachi, M. R. Tabeshpour, A. A. Golafshani, I. Mualla

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.A1000381 Downloaded: 7618 Clicked: 7019 Cited: 6 Commented: 0(p.680-691) <Full Text>

One and two dimensional chloride ion diffusion of fly ash concrete under flexural stress

Yun-sheng Zhang, Wei Sun, Zhi-yong Liu, Shu-dong Chen

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.A1100006 Downloaded: 3791 Clicked: 5180 Cited: 6 Commented: 0(p.692-701) <Full Text>

Environmental Engineering

Mortality weighting-based method for aggregate urban air risk assessment

Qing-yu Zhang, Guo-jin Sun, Wei-li Tian, Yu-mei Wei, Si-mai Fang, Jin-feng Ruan, Guo-rong Shan, Yao Shi

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.A11b0043 Downloaded: 3287 Clicked: 5942 Cited: 1 Commented: 0(p.702-709) <Full Text>

Measuring the value of water quality improvements in Lake Tai, China

Wei-wen Zhang

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.A11b0157 Downloaded: 3519 Clicked: 6302 Cited: 5 Commented: 0(p.710-719) <Full Text>

Energy Engineering

Temperature and thermodynamic deformation analysis of the rotors on a twin screw multiphase pump with high gas volume fractions

Tie-yu Gao, Dong-fang Yang, Feng Cao, Jin-cheng Jiao

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.A1000485 Downloaded: 4073 Clicked: 5872 Cited: 6 Commented: 0(p.720-730) <Full Text>

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