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Jun-feng Xie


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Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  2016 Vol.17 No.12 P.1253-1265


Caching resource sharing in radio access networks: a game theoretic approach

Author(s):  Jun-feng Xie, Ren-chao Xie, Tao Huang, Jiang Liu, F. Richard Yu, Yun-jie Liu

Affiliation(s):  State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   Junfeng_xie@bupt.edu.cn, Renchao_xie@bupt.edu.cn, htao@bupt.edu.cn, richardyu@cunet.carleton.ca

Key Words:  Video caching, Oligopoly market, Game theory, Nash equilibrium, Stability analysis

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Jun-feng Xie, Ren-chao Xie, Tao Huang, Jiang Liu, F. Richard Yu, Yun-jie Liu. Caching resource sharing in radio access networks: a game theoretic approach[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2016, 17(12): 1253-1265.

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%A Jun-feng Xie
%A Ren-chao Xie
%A Tao Huang
%A Jiang Liu
%A F. Richard Yu
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Deployment of caching in wireless networks has been considered an effective method to cope with the challenge brought on by the explosive wireless traffic. Although some research has been conducted on caching in cellular networks, most of the previous works have focused on performance optimization for content caching. To the best of our knowledge, the problem of caching resource sharing for multiple service provider servers (SPSs) has been largely ignored. In this paper, by assuming that the caching capability is deployed in the base station of a radio access network, we consider the problem of caching resource sharing for multiple SPSs competing for the caching space. We formulate this problem as an oligopoly market model and use a dynamic non-cooperative game to obtain the optimal amount of caching space needed by the SPSs. In the dynamic game, the SPSs gradually and iteratively adjust their strategies based on their previous strategies and the information given by the base station. Then through rigorous mathematical analysis, the nash equilibrium and stability condition of the dynamic game are proven. Finally, simulation results are presented to show the performance of the proposed dynamic caching resource allocation scheme.


概要:随着智能手机、平板电脑等智能终端设备的快速普及,无线网络流量呈爆炸式增长,其中占主导地位的视频流量的增长尤为显著,根据思科的预测,从2014年到2019年,移动视频的复合年增长率(Compound annual growth rate, CAGR)为66%。在无线网络中部署缓存被认为是应对流量爆炸式增长的一种有效解决方案。虽然已经有很多论文关注蜂窝网络中的内容缓存问题,但这些论文基本上都集中在内容缓存的性能优化和能量有效,而忽略了多个服务提供商(Service provider servers, SPSs)之间的缓存资源共享问题。然而从SPS的角度,在基站缓存流行的内容,不仅可以改善用户体验,还可以减少对于回程网带宽的需求以节约成本,因此SPS必须要考虑最佳的缓存空间需求量以获得最大的收益。本文我们主要考虑这一问题,即在基站部署缓存的假设前提下,多个SPSs如何有效的共享缓存资源。本文的创新点主要有以下几方面:
• 本文的场景为一个基站和多个SPSs,系统被建模为寡头垄断市场,其中基站是产品(缓存空间)的提供方,以一定的价格(通过价格函数定义)向产品的需求方(SPSs)收取费用,SPSs共享基站的缓存空间。
• 我们将SPSs对于缓存空间的竞争建模为一个动态的非合作博弈的古诺模型,并通过基于Newton-Raphson方法的迭代算法来获得最佳的缓存空间需求量(古诺模型的纳什均衡解)。
• 仿真部分详细分析了不同参数下的这种动态缓存资源分配机制的性能和稳定性特征。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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