JZUS Events

JZUS (A/B/C) are among the best of Chinas University Journals. Here’s why:

Ø         JZUS (A/B/C) have developed rapidly in specialized scientific and technological areas.

JZUS-A (Applied Physics & Engineering) split from JZUS and launched in 2005

JZUS-B (Biomedicine & Biotechnology) split from JZUS and launched in 2005

JZUS-C (Computers & Electronics) split from JZUS-A and launched in 2010

Ø       We are the first in China to completely put into practice the international peer review system in order to ensure the journals high quality (more than 10000 referees from over 60 countries)

Ø       We are the first in China to pay increased attention to Research Ethics Approval of submitted papers, and the first to join CrossCheck to fight against plagiarism

Ø        Comprehensive geographical representation (the international authorship pool enlarging every day, contributions from outside of China accounting for more than 46% of papers)

Ø        Since the start of an international cooperation with Springer in 2006, through SpringerLink, JZUSs usage rate (download) is in the top 3 of all of Springers 82 co-published Chinese journals

Ø        JZUSs citation frequency has increased rapidly since 2004, on account of DOI and Online First implementation (average of more than 60 citations a month for each of JZUS-A & JZUS-B in 2009)

Ø        JZUS-B is the first university journal to receive a grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (2009-2010)


JZUS(A/B/C) are covered in the following subject categories (http://science.thomsonreuters.com/cgi-bin/jrnlst/jloptions.cgi?PC=D), respectively:





 Total 173 Chinese Journals indexed on the Web of Science (SCI-E, SSCI & AHCI databases) (to be updated)
Up to now, a total of about 173 Chinese journals (121 from China Mainland, 14 from Hong Kong and 38 from Taiwan) have been included by SCI and SSCI & AHCI. 157 journals are indexed by SCI (117 from China Mainland) and 17 are indexed by SSCI & AHCI (Transportmetrica is indexed by SCI and SSCI) (4 from China Mainland).


           Impact factor prediction of JZUS-A in 2008
           Impact factor prediction of JZUS-B in 2008
           Impact factor prediction of JZUS(A&B) in 2008 (in Chinese)

2009-1-21: JCR with Eigenfactor

Thomson Reuters Releases New Journal Citation Reports®
-------Inclusion of Eigenfactor™ Metrics Creates Multi-Faceted View of Journal Performance

Philadelphia, PA, London, UK, January 21, 2009 – The Scientific business of Thomson Reuters today announced an enhanced release of the Journal Citation Reports®, available to subscribers of the JCR® Web. The recognized authority for evaluating journals, JCR presents quantitative data that supports a systematic, objective review of the world's leading journals and their impact and influence in the global research community. 

In addition to Impact Factor, the JCR® now includes the Eigenfactor™ Metrics (http://www.eigenfactor.org/methods.htm), which use citing journal data from the entire JCR file to reflect the prestige and citation influence of journals by considering scholarly literature as a network of journal-to-journal relationships. 

The JCR summarizes citations from more than 10,000 journals and proceedings in the sciences and social sciences indexed in the Web of Science database. Nearly 8,000 journals appear in the 2007 JCR, with detailed reports of their citation performance, their citation network, and the count and type of materials published.

The Journal Citation Reports now include the following new features:
• Eigenfactor ™ - also a five-year metric (including Eigenfator Score and Article Influence Score), that considers scholarly literature as a network of journal-to-journal relationships.
• Five-Year Impact Factor - provides a broader range of citation activity for a more informative snapshot over time. 
• Journal “Self Citations” – An analysis of journal self citations and their contribution to the Journal Impact Factor calculation. 
• Graphic Displays of Impact Factor “Box Plots” - A graphic interpretation of how a journal ranks in different categories.
• Rank-in-Category Tables for Journals Covering Multiple Disciplines - Allows a journal to be seen in the context of multiple categories at a glance rather than only a single one.

The JCR includes virtually all subject specialties in science, technology, and the social sciences as well as more than 1,400 publishers from 66 nations. For more information on the Journal Citation Reports, please visit http://scientific.thomsonreuters.com/products/jcr/. 


 JZUS (A&B) have been the first journals from China to become members of CrossCheck in 2008 (http://www.crossref.org/crosscheck_members.html ). CrossCheck powered by iThenticate is a new initiative from CrossRef to help the scholarly publishers verify the originality of submitted manuscripts. CrossCheck is really two products, a database of scholarly publications and a web-based tool to check an authored work against that database. The web-based tool can be used in the editorial process to identify matching text but it can not, on its own, identify plagiarism.  A human has to look at the matching text and use their best judgment to identify if plagiarism has occurred or not (http://www.crossref.org/crosscheck.html ).


JZUS-B is the first university journal to receive a grant (No. 30824802) from the National Natural Science Foundation of China.


  On indexing in the Web of Science and predicting journal impact factor. Xiu-fang WU, Qiang FU, Ronald ROUSSEAU, 2008. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B, 9(7):582-590.  [doi:10.1631/jzus.B0840001]


    The 2007-2008 Newly Indexed 58 Chinese Journals on the Web of Science (SCI-E, SSCI&AHCI databases) (To be updated)

  Total 159 Chinese Journals indexed on the Web of Science (SCI-E, SSCI&AHCI databases) (To be updated)

   How many Chinese journals are included in the newly indexed 700 regional journals on Web of Science? Xiu-fang WU, Qiang FU, Helen (Yue-hong) ZHANG, 2008. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, 9(7):1011-1014.  [doi:10.1631/jzus.A0840001]


Thomson Reuters released Web of Science® coverage expanded 700 NEW REGIONAL 

JOURNALS at  http://www.isiwebofknowledge.com/currentuser_wokhome/wos_jnl_expansion/


The 2007 data for Journal Citation Reports (JCR) Science and Social Science Editions are available now (since June 17 at noon (CDT)) (http://isiknowledge.com/wos)  

2007 JCR (Science Edition) for 76 Chinese Journals

 2007 JCR (Science Edition) for 76 Chinese Journals

2007 JCR sort by subject categories:

 2007 JZUS (A&B) SCI citation records and DOI resolutions

 2007 Top 10 SCI cited papers in JZUS-A

 2007 Top 10 SCI cited papers in JZUS-B

 Call for Papers JZUS-B (in English) (in Chinese)


JZUS opens this new column “Science Letters”

Since 2004, JZUS has launched this new column “Science Letters” and we warmly welcome scientists all over the world to publish their latest, including failed, research notes in less than 3~4 pages.
The new column “Science Letters” has two strong points which benefit every author in the scientific communication world, who publish their latest researched results in JUZS. They are:
1. Internet Linkage: JZUS has linked its website (http://www.jzus.zju.edu.cn) to ISI’s (http://portal.isiknowledge.com/), Index Medicus/MEDLINE’s (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/PubMed) and the Publishers International Linking Association Inc’s CrossRef web (http://www.crossref.org) that serves Engineering Information Inc. Meantime, JZUS is also linked to the Princeton University’s (http://libweb5.princeton.edu/ejournals/). Through these Internet websites, the Science Letters published in JZUS will be rapidly spread abroad in scientific circles all over the world.
2. Fast Publishing: JZUS’s editors will provide best service to authors who will contribute Science Letters to this journal, and assure them these Letters to be published in about 30 days, including the international peer reviewing process.
We welcome contributions and subscriptions from all over the world, and welcome your Science Letters to JZUS.

Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE, 38 Zheda Road, Hangzhou 310027, China
Tel: +86-571-87952783; E-mail: cjzhang@zju.edu.cn
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