JZUS participates in CrossMark and TDM Services

Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE (JZUS) collects and deposits CrossMark, ORCID, and FundRef metadata for every paper from 2014, Issue 12, and displays them both in the web and PDF version.

JZUS participates in CrossMark to track publication records (updates, corrections, retractions, erratum, etc.) and to direct readers to the latest version of an article. FundRef (funder information) and ORCID (a persistent digital identifier for a researcher) metadata are embedded (optional) in CrossMark.

JZUS recognizes that text and data mining (TDM) is increasingly seen as a useful method for analyzing large volumes of unstructured documents, which can meet the needs of researchers and support the innovation and development of new knowledge. JZUS participates in CrossRef Text and Data Mining Services. Researchers are able to text mine subscription content since 2015 accessed via CrossRef and Springer’s Metadata API, provided the purpose is noncommercial research.

Once a click through agreement is accepted, JZUS grants the researchers to access data obtained available by the API and will deliver the API documentation using query algorithms (e.g., curl, Python) and cryptographic API keys through CrossRef Text and Data Mining Services. Full-text contents can be accessed easily and programmatically at URLs based on the articles’ DOIs.

We are glad to accommodate if any researchers who have specific text mining needs. Please email to jzus_zxx@zju.edu.cn, jzus@zju.edu.cn.

Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE, 38 Zheda Road, Hangzhou 310027, China
Tel: +86-571-87952783; E-mail: cjzhang@zju.edu.cn
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