CLC number: TN958
On-line Access: 2024-08-27
Received: 2023-10-17
Revision Accepted: 2024-05-08
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Fanqing MENG, Kangsheng TIAN. Interval type-2 fuzzy logic based radar task priority assignment method for detecting hypersonic-glide vehicles[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2022, 23(3): 488-501.
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%T Interval type-2 fuzzy logic based radar task priority assignment method for detecting hypersonic-glide vehicles
%A Fanqing MENG
%A Kangsheng TIAN
%J Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering
%V 23
%N 3
%P 488-501
%@ 2095-9184
%D 2022
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/FITEE.2000560
T1 - Interval type-2 fuzzy logic based radar task priority assignment method for detecting hypersonic-glide vehicles
A1 - Fanqing MENG
A1 - Kangsheng TIAN
J0 - Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering
VL - 23
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%@ 2095-9184
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PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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DOI - 10.1631/FITEE.2000560
Abstract: A radar task priority assignment method based on interval type-2 fuzzy logic system (IT2FLS) was designed to solve the problem of resource management for phased-array radar to detect hypersonic-glide vehicles (HGVs). The mathematical model of the radar task and the motion and detection models of HGVs are described in detail. The target threat of an HGV is divided into maneuver, speed, azimuth, and distance threats. In the radar task priority assignment method based on IT2FLS, the maneuver factor, speed, azimuth difference, distance, and initial priority are input variables. The radar task priority is the output variable. To reduce the number of fuzzy rules and avoid rule explosion, an IT2FLS with a hierarchical structure was designed. Finally, the feasibility of the task priority assignment method was verified by simulations. Simulation results showed that the method based on IT2FLS has a higher precise tracking rate, mean initial priority, and target threat degree, and a shorter offset time.
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