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Bio-Design and Manufacturing  2016 Vol.-1 No.-1 P.


Photothermal MXenes-embedded tannin-Eu3+ particles constructed for accelerating infected seawater immersion wound healing and persistent antiinfection by forming in situ bacterial vaccines



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Key Words:  MXenes, Tannin, Wound healing, Anti-infection, In situ vaccines

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The low temperature, high salt content and bacteria in the seawater environment can induce severe infections of open wounds, making them difficult to heal. To date, numberous wound dressings have been developed with functions in repairing injuries and various anti-bacterial functions. However, ordinary anti-bacterial strategies could not provide long-lasting resistance to infection to promote wound healing. Here, we reported a strategy to build a durable resistance to seawater immersion wound infection by killing bacteria and delivering bacterial antigens in situ. Specifically, MXenes-embedded tannin-Eu3+ particles (M@TA-Eu) were constructed to effectively repair the infected seawater immersion injuries and fight infection in a lasting manner by forming in situ bacterial vaccines and immune memory. In the particle, the platform constructed by TA and Eu3+ had pro-vascularization and antigen presentation effects. The MXenes with near-infrared photothermal effect were introduced to kill the bacteria and promote the recruitment of antigen presentation cells to enhance vaccination efficacy. The experimental results showed that the particles not only effectively improved the healing of injuries by relieving wound inflammation and inhibiting bacteria, but also produced potent vaccination effect by forming in situ bacterial vaccines. Therefore, the M@TA-Eu particles provided novel strategy for the development of high-grade dressings for anti-infection.

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