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Bio-Design and Manufacturing  2016 Vol.-1 No.-1 P.


Concurrent bioprinted scaffold with autologous bone and allogeneic BMSCs promote bone regeneration via recuiting native BMSCs



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Autologous bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) have been shown to promote osteogenesis; however, whether allogeneic BMSCs (Allo-BMSCs) have effects on bone regeneration is not clear. Therefore, we explored the effect of Allo-BMSCs on promoting bone regeneration in 3D-printed autologous bone (AB) scaffolds. Firstly, we concurrently printed scaffolds with polycaprolactone, AB particles (ABP) and Allo-BMSCs for appropriate support, providing bioactive factors and seed cells to promote osteogenesis. In vitro studies showed that AB scaffolds promoted the osteogenic differentiation of Allo-BMSCs. In vivo studies revealed that implantation of scaffolds loaded with ABP and Allo-BMSCs into canine skull defects for 9 months promoted osteogenesis. Further studies suggested that only a small portion of implanted Allo-BMSCs survived and became the vascular endothelial cell, chondrocyte, and osteocyte, and the implanted Allo-BMSCs released stromal cell-derived factor 1 through paracrine signaling to recruit native BMSCs into the defect, promoting bone regeneration. This study provides additional opportunities for the future uses of Allo-BMSCs.

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