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Bio-Design and Manufacturing  2019 Vol.2 No.4 P.278-286


Can the venerated silk be the next-generation nanobiomaterial for biomedical-device designing, regenerative medicine and drug delivery? Prospects and hitches

Author(s):  Rocktotpal Konwarh

Affiliation(s):  Department of BiotechnologyAddis Ababa Science and Technology UniversityAkaki Kality, Addis AbabaEthiopia; more

Corresponding email(s):   rock1311@gmail.com, rocktotpal.konwarh@aastu.edu.et

Key Words:  Drug delivery, Microfluidics, Nanobiomaterial, Regenerative medicine, Silk, Tissue engineering

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Rocktotpal Konwarh. Can the venerated silk be the next-generation nanobiomaterial for biomedical-device designing, regenerative medicine and drug delivery? Prospects and hitches[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science D, 2019, 2(4): 278-286.

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Of late, the relevance of silk in a myriad of material science and biotechnological realms has been realized, as attested by the incessantly clambering number of reports and patents in the scientific repositories. The write-up is geared off with a scrutiny into the pertinence of the basic nano-structural features of silk, christened as the ‘queen of textile’ for exemplary bioengineering applications including designing and fabrication of devices for microfluidics, optofluidics, chemo/bio sensing, etc. Then, the major thrust of this short review is directed towards comprehending the prospects of using silk-based biomaterials (e.g. scaffolds, electrospun membranes, films, hydrogels, bioinks) for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine as well as targeted delivery of various biomolecular cargoes/therapeutic agents, etc., as vouched by few avant-garde endeavours of the recent years. The write-up is entwined with a discussion on the various factors that could plausibly hinder the realization of silk as the next-generation nanobiomaterial, suggestions for some approaches to dodge and deal with the practical snags and what lies ahead!

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article

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