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Zihang Qi


Xiuping Li


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Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  2021 Vol.22 No.4 P.609-614


Low-cost high-order-mode cavity backed slot array antenna using empty substrate integrated waveguide for the 5G n260 band

Author(s):  Zihang Qi, Xiuping Li, Hua Zhu

Affiliation(s):  School of Electronic Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   qizihang@bupt.edu.cn, xpli@bupt.edu.cn, judy-cool@163.com

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Zihang Qi, Xiuping Li, Hua Zhu. Low-cost high-order-mode cavity backed slot array antenna using empty substrate integrated waveguide for the 5G n260 band[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2021, 22(4): 609-614.

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%T Low-cost high-order-mode cavity backed slot array antenna using empty substrate integrated waveguide for the 5G n260 band
%A Zihang Qi
%A Xiuping Li
%A Hua Zhu
%J Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering
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%P 609-614
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A low-cost slot array antenna is proposed for fifth-generation wireless communication (5G) n260 band applications. The antenna is based on the low-cost printed circuit board (PCB) material FR-4. Empty substrate-integrated waveguide is used to avoid high dielectric loss. High-order-mode cavities are introduced to reduce the complexity of the feeding network. The proposed antenna shows a maximum realized gain of 27 dBi with a radiation efficiency of 72.4%. The measurement and simulation results achieve good agreement. The proposed antenna can be a good candidate for low-cost millimeter-wave (mmWave) wireless communication systems.

面向5G n260应用的低成本基片集成空腔波导高次模背腔缝隙天线阵

概要:毫米波天线设计面临高增益、宽带、低成本等诸多挑战,在该频段基片集成波导(Substrate Integrated Waveguide,SIW)由于其辐射损耗低和易集成的优势而被广泛应用。然而在毫米波频段SIW的介质损耗直接降低了天线辐射效率,若采用低损耗介质材料会导致较高的制造成本。基片集成空腔波导(Empty Substrate Integrated Waveguide,ESIW)结构通过去除SIW中介质,可实现电磁波低损耗传输,在毫米波频段具有广阔应用前景。本文面向5G n260频段应用,提出一款采用低成本FR-4 PCB板材设计的缝隙天线阵。天线采用基片集成空腔波导结构设计,消除了介质损耗,并引入高次模腔体结构,减小馈电网络复杂度,在保证天线性能前提下,实现了毫米波天线低成本制造,为低成本毫米波天线设计提供了技术参考。
天线由5层FR-4 PCB板组成,从顶层往下依次为缝隙辐射层、高次模腔体层、耦合缝隙层、功分馈电网络层以及同轴馈电层。天线底部由2.4 mm同轴馈电,通过ESIW功分馈电网络,缝隙耦合激励4×4个腔体中的TE340模式,每个TE340模式的腔体通过顶层的3×4个缝隙辐射,形成12×16的缝隙阵列。每层PCB板都将ESIW部分的介质去除并进行内壁覆铜处理,加工完成的PCB板通过周围的定位孔用螺钉组装。给出了测试S参数与仿真S参数以及测试增益与仿真增益的对比结果。S参数−8 dB带宽可覆盖n260的37–40 GHz频率范围。测试的最大实际增益为27 dBi,通过与仿真的方向性系数对比,可估计得到天线辐射效率约为72.4%。从天线在37、38、39、40 GHz处的辐射方向图看,测试的方向图与仿真结果具有很好一致性。

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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