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Shuang Chen


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Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  2015 Vol.16 No.12 P.1046-1058


Face recognition based on subset selection via metric learning on manifold

Author(s):  Hong Shao, Shuang Chen, Jie-yi Zhao, Wen-cheng Cui, Tian-shu Yu

Affiliation(s):  School of Information Science and Engineering, Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang 110870, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   chenshuang19891129@gmail.com

Key Words:  Face recognition, Sparse representation, Manifold structure, Metric learning, Subset selection

Hong Shao, Shuang Chen, Jie-yi Zhao, Wen-cheng Cui, Tian-shu Yu. Face recognition based on subset selection via metric learning on manifold[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2015, 16(12): 1046-1058.

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%T Face recognition based on subset selection via metric learning on manifold
%A Hong Shao
%A Shuang Chen
%A Jie-yi Zhao
%A Wen-cheng Cui
%A Tian-shu Yu
%J Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering
%V 16
%N 12
%P 1046-1058
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%D 2015
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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A1 - Hong Shao
A1 - Shuang Chen
A1 - Jie-yi Zhao
A1 - Wen-cheng Cui
A1 - Tian-shu Yu
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PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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DOI - 10.1631/FITEE.1500085

With the development of face recognition using sparse representation based classification (SRC), many relevant methods have been proposed and investigated. However, when the dictionary is large and the representation is sparse, only a small proportion of the elements contributes to the l1-minimization. Under this observation, several approaches have been developed to carry out an efficient element selection procedure before SRC. In this paper, we employ a metric learning approach which helps find the active elements correctly by taking into account the interclass/intraclass relationship and manifold structure of face images. After the metric has been learned, a neighborhood graph is constructed in the projected space. A fast marching algorithm is used to rapidly select the subset from the graph, and SRC is implemented for classification. Experimental results show that our method achieves promising performance and significant efficiency enhancement.

This paper solves a practical problem in the face recognition application. The proposed framework is quite intuitive and efficient. Experiments conducted on several benchmark databases validate the effectiveness of the proposed method.


创新点:l1-人脸识别算法提出了一种更精确的字典选择框架,该框架主要包含一种考虑类内类间差的人脸流形结构和可沿流形结构进行子集选择的fast marching算法。
方法:在训练阶段,首先将度量学习引入到人脸识别问题中,利用度量学习产生一个线性投影矩阵,所有训练图像经该矩阵投影后能保持最小类内差与最大类间差。其次,结合人脸图像的流形结构进行建模,利用上述步骤学习得到的度量将所有训练图像构成一个无向带权值的连通邻接图,该图可充分表达训练样本在流形中的几何结构。在识别阶段,fast marching以被查询图像为基点在训练阶段得到的人脸流形结构上搜索子集,最终稀疏表示算法以子集为字典识别出被查询人脸图像的类别。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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