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Li Weigang


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Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  2017 Vol.18 No.2 P.180-194


First and Others credit-assignment schema for evaluating the academic contribution of coauthors

Author(s):  Li Weigang

Affiliation(s):  TransLab, Department of Computer Science, University of Brasilia, Brasilia-DF 70910-900, Brazil

Corresponding email(s):   weigang@unb.br

Key Words:  Bibliometrics, Credit of coauthorship, H-index, Informetrics, Scholar information

Li Weigang. First and Others credit-assignment schema for evaluating the academic contribution of coauthors[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2017, 18(2): 180-194.

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Credit-assignment schemas are widely applied by providing fixed or flexible credit distribution formulas to evaluate the contributions of coauthors of a scientific publication. In this paper, we propose an approach named First and Others (F&O) counting. By introducing a tuning parameter α and a weight β, two new properties are obtained: (1) flexible assignment of credits by modifying the formula (with the change of α) and applying preference to the individual author by adjusting the weights (with the change of β), and (2) calculation of the credits by separating the formula for the first author from others. With formula separation, the credit of the second author shows an inflection point according to the change of α. The developed theorems and proofs concerning the modification of α and β reveal new properties and complement the base theory for informetrics. The F&O schema is also adapted when considering the policy of ‘first-corresponding-author-emphasis’. Through a comparative analysis using a set of empirical data from the fields of chemistry, medicine, psychology, and the Harvard survey data, the performance of the F&O approach is compared with those of other methods to demonstrate its benefits by the criteria of lack of fit and coefficient of determination.


概要:共同作者学术贡献分配模式提供了固定或灵活的信用分配公式,并广泛应用于评估科学出版物共同作者的贡献。本文提出了一种新颖的”第一和其他(First and Others, F&O)合作者”分配模式。通过引入调整参数α和权重β,使得信用分配具备以下新的属性:(1)通过修改公式(调整参数α)或强调单个作者贡献(调整权重β)体现学术贡献分配的灵活性和适用性;(2)将第一作者的贡献与其他作者分开计算,第二作者的贡献会根据α参数的变化,呈现出拐点。文中提出相应定理和证明,揭示了”第一和其他(F&O)合作者”分配模式新的特性,应是对文献计量学基本理论的贡献。F&O模式亦可应用于”强调第一作者学术贡献”的策略。通过对一组来自化学、医学、心理学和哈佛-芝加哥调查数据的应用,F&O模式与其他方法进行了分析比较,若干测定系数的优化显示出本文方法的先进性。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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