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Chun-hua He


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Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  2018 Vol.19 No.3 P.446-458


Tabu search based resource allocation in radiological examination process execution

Author(s):  Chun-hua He

Affiliation(s):  College of Medical Engineering Technology, Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi 830011, China

Corresponding email(s):   460938212@qq.com

Key Words:  Radiological examination process (REP), Resource scheduling and allocation, Tabu search

Chun-hua He. Tabu search based resource allocation in radiological examination process execution[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2018, 19(3): 446-458.

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Efficient resource scheduling and allocation in radiological examination process (REP) execution is a key requirement to improve patient throughput and radiological resource utilization and to manage unexpected events that occur when resource scheduling and allocation decisions change due to clinical needs. In this paper, a tabu search based approach is presented to solve the resource scheduling and allocation problems in REP execution. The primary objective of the approach is to minimize a weighted sum of average examination flow time, average idle time of the resources, and delays. Unexpected events, i.e., emergent or absent examinations, are also considered. For certain parameter combinations, the optimal solution of radiological resource scheduling and allocation is found, while considering the limitations such as routing and resource constraints. Simulations in the application case are performed. Results show that the proposed approach makes efficient use of radiological resource capacity and improves the patient throughput in REP execution.


概要:放射检查流程(radiological examination process,REP)执行中,为提高患者吞吐量和放射资源利用率,以及应对因临床需要而改变资源调度和分配决策时发生的突发事件,高效的资源调度和分配是关键。本文提出一种基于禁忌搜索的方法,用以解决REP执行中资源调度和分配问题。该方法主要目标是将平均检查流时间、资源平均空闲时间和延迟的加权总和最小化,同时还考虑突发事件的情形,即紧急或缺失的检查。对于特定参数组合,在考虑路由和资源约束等限制条件下,该方法能找到放射资源调度和分配的最优解。对应用案例进行了仿真,结果表明该方法能有效利用放射资源,提高REP执行中患者吞吐量。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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