CLC number: O433.1
On-line Access: 2024-08-27
Received: 2023-10-17
Revision Accepted: 2024-05-08
Crosschecked: 2020-03-24
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Citations: Bibtex RefMan EndNote GB/T7714
Hongya Song, Wenyi Zhang, Haifeng Li, Xu Liu, Xiang Hao. Review of compact computational spectral information acquisition systems[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2020, 21(8): 1119-1133.
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%T Review of compact computational spectral information acquisition systems
%A Hongya Song
%A Wenyi Zhang
%A Haifeng Li
%A Xu Liu
%A Xiang Hao
%J Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering
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%P 1119-1133
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%D 2020
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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T1 - Review of compact computational spectral information acquisition systems
A1 - Hongya Song
A1 - Wenyi Zhang
A1 - Haifeng Li
A1 - Xu Liu
A1 - Xiang Hao
J0 - Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering
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Abstract: With the development of computer science, more and more hardware implementations can be reproduced by software programming, bringing compact, cheap, and fast components to imaging instrumentation. In recent years, computational methods have been introduced into spectral detection, and computational spectrum acquisition implementations have emerged. This paper highlights the advantages of computational spectrum acquisition implementations by comparing them with traditional non-computational methods. Then, focusing on the compact feature, we review the most representative implementations, and finally make discussion and offer an outlook.
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