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Zhijiang DAI


Cheng BI


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Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  2024 Vol.25 No.11 P.1552-1564


Broadband and asymmetrical Doherty based on circuit parameter solution space

Author(s):  Cheng BI, Haotian LI, Shuai WANG, Zhijiang DAI, Jingzhou PANG, Ruibin GAO, Kang ZHONG, Jingsong WANG

Affiliation(s):  School of Microelectronics and Communication Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   daizj_ok@126.com

Key Words:  Doherty power amplifier, Output matching network, Parameter solution space

Cheng BI, Haotian LI, Shuai WANG, Zhijiang DAI, Jingzhou PANG, Ruibin GAO, Kang ZHONG, Jingsong WANG. Broadband and asymmetrical Doherty based on circuit parameter solution space[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2024, 25(11): 1552-1564.

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journal="Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering",
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%T Broadband and asymmetrical Doherty based on circuit parameter solution space
%A Cheng BI
%A Haotian LI
%A Shuai WANG
%A Zhijiang DAI
%A Jingzhou PANG
%A Ruibin GAO
%A Jingsong WANG
%J Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering
%V 25
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%P 1552-1564
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%D 2024
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/FITEE.2400226

T1 - Broadband and asymmetrical Doherty based on circuit parameter solution space
A1 - Cheng BI
A1 - Haotian LI
A1 - Shuai WANG
A1 - Zhijiang DAI
A1 - Jingzhou PANG
A1 - Ruibin GAO
A1 - Kang ZHONG
A1 - Jingsong WANG
J0 - Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering
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%@ 2095-9184
Y1 - 2024
PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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DOI - 10.1631/FITEE.2400226

The input impedance of the post-matching network (PMN) is configured as a complex value. The parameter solution space is determined based on the fundamental principles of the doherty power amplifier (DPA), enabling the DPA to achieve high efficiency at the output power back-off (OBO). The parameter solution space comprises three variables: the phase parameter of the output matching network for the carrier power amplifier (carrier PA), the phase parameter of the output matching network for the peaking power amplifier (peaking PA), and the input impedance of PMN. These parameters are optimized to enable the DPA to achieve high efficiency at the OBO. In this paper, a one-to-one mapping relationship is established between the frequency and the parameter solution space, allowing for a precise optimization of the DPA across a broad frequency range. Leveraging this mapping relationship, an asymmetric DPA designed to operate over the 1.8–2.6 GHz frequency band is designed and fabricated, demonstrating the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed approach. Under continuous wave excitation, the test results show that the drain efficiency (DE) is 42.7%–56.4% at 9.5 dB OBO and the saturated DE is 45.8%–71.1%. The saturated output power of this DPA is 46.9–48.8 dBm with a gain of 5.5–8.0 dB at saturation. A 20-MHz long-term-evolution modulated signal with a peak-to-average power ratio of 8 dB is also applied to the fabricated DPA at 1.8, 2.1, and 2.6 GHz. Under these conditions, at 8 dB OBO, the DPA shows an adjacent channel power ratio always lower than 48 dBc after digital pre-distortion linearization.


摘要:本文将后匹配网络的输入阻抗设为复数。基于Doherty功率放大器(DPA)的基本原理,确定了参数解空间,使得DPA在回退状态能实现高效率。参数解空间包含3个变量:载波功率放大器输出匹配网络的相位参数、峰值功率放大器输出匹配网络的相位参数以及后匹配网络的输入阻抗。这些参数经过优化,使DPA能在回退状态实现高效率。在频率与参数解空间之间建立了一一映射关系,使得在宽频范围内对DPA进行精确优化成为可能。利用这种映射关系,设计并制作了一款工作在1.8–2.6 GHz频段的非对称DPA,验证了所提方法的可行性和有效性。在连续波激励下,测试结果显示,当功率回退量为9.5 dB时,漏极效率为42.7%–56.4%。功率饱和点的漏极效率和输出功率分别为45.8%–71.1%和46.9–48.8 dBm,饱和增益为5.5–8.0 dB。此外,在1.8、2.1和2.6 GHz频率下,输入激励采用峰均比为8dB,信号带宽为20 MHz的长期演进(LTE)调制信号。DPA经过数字预失真线性化后,邻信道功率比(ACPR)始终低于48 dBc。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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