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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2006 Vol.7 No.5 P.657-667


RTP payload format for H.264/SVC scalable video coding

Author(s):  Wenger Stephan, Wang Ye-kui, Hannuksela Miska M.

Affiliation(s):  Nokia Research Center, Tampere 33721, Finland

Corresponding email(s):   stephan.wenger@nokia.com, ye-kui.wang@nokia.com, miska.hannuksela@nokia.com

Key Words:  H.264, Advanced video coding (AVC), Scalable video coding (SVC), Scalability, Real-time transport protocol (RTP), Packetization

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Wenger Stephan, Wang Ye-kui, Hannuksela Miska M.. RTP payload format for H.264/SVC scalable video coding[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2006, 7(5): 657-667.

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%A Wenger Stephan
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A1 - Hannuksela Miska M.
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The scalable extension of h.264/AVC, known as scalable video coding or SVC, is currently the main focus of the Joint Video Team’s work. In its present working draft, the higher level syntax of SVC follows the design principles of h.264/AVC. Self-contained network abstraction layer units (NAL units) form natural entities for packetization. The SVC specification is by no means finalized yet, but nevertheless the work towards an optimized RTP payload format has already started. RFC 3984, the RTP payload specification for h.264/AVC has been taken as a starting point, but it became quickly clear that the scalable features of SVC require adaptation in at least the areas of capability/operation point signaling and documentation of the extended NAL unit header. This paper first gives an overview of the history of scalable video coding, and then reviews the video coding layer (VCL) and NAL of the latest SVC draft specification. Finally, it discusses different aspects of the draft SVC RTP payload format, including the design criteria, use cases, signaling and payload structure.

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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