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NOURBAKHSH Farshid, SHEIKH-HOSSEINI Ahmad R.. A kinetic approach to evaluate salinity effects on carbon mineralization in a plant residue-amended soil[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B, 2006, 7(10): 788-793.
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%T A kinetic approach to evaluate salinity effects on carbon mineralization in a plant residue-amended soil
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%DOI 10.1631/jzus.2006.B0788
T1 - A kinetic approach to evaluate salinity effects on carbon mineralization in a plant residue-amended soil
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Abstract: The interaction of salinity stress and plant residue quality on C mineralization kinetics in soil is not well understood. A laboratory experiment was conducted to study the effects of salinity stress on C mineralization kinetics in a soil amended with alfalfa, wheat and corn residues. A factorial combination of two salinity levels (0.97 and 18.2 dS/m) and four levels of plant residues (control, alfalfa, wheat and corn) with three replications was performed. A first order kinetic model was used to describe the C mineralization and to calculate the potentially mineralizable C. The CO2-C evolved under non-saline condition, ranged from 814.6 to 4842.4 mg CO2-C/kg in control and alfalfa residue-amended soils, respectively. Salinization reduced the rates of CO2 evolution by 18.7%, 6.2% and 5.2% in alfalfa, wheat and corn residue-amended soils, respectively. Potentially mineralizable C (C0) was reduced significantly in salinized alfalfa residue-treated soils whereas, no significant difference was observed for control treatments as well as wheat and corn residue-treated soils. We concluded that the response pattern of C mineralization to salinity stress depended on the plant residue quality and duration of incubation.
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