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Received: 2023-10-17
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Hu Xin, He Sailing. A new class of negative refractive index transmission line[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2007, 8(8): 1179-1182.
@article{title="A new class of negative refractive index transmission line",
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journal="Journal of Zhejiang University Science A",
publisher="Zhejiang University Press & Springer",
%0 Journal Article
%T A new class of negative refractive index transmission line
%A Hu Xin
%A He Sailing
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
%V 8
%N 8
%P 1179-1182
%@ 1673-565X
%D 2007
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.2007.A1179
T1 - A new class of negative refractive index transmission line
A1 - Hu Xin
A1 - He Sailing
J0 - Journal of Zhejiang University Science A
VL - 8
IS - 8
SP - 1179
EP - 1182
%@ 1673-565X
Y1 - 2007
PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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DOI - 10.1631/jzus.2007.A1179
Abstract: We propose a new class of negative refractive index transmission line in which ideal operational amplifiers are applied to form the periodically loaded negative-impedance-converted inductors and capacitors. The phase response of the new transmission line is opposite to that of a positive refractive index conventional transmission line. Unlike the existing negative refractive index transmission line, the new negative refractive index transmission line is non-dispersive and thus can lead to many novel applications such as designing new broadband devices.
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