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Shalom Sadik


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2017 Vol.18 No.12 P.974-983


A model of two cylindrical plane wall layers exposed to oscillating temperatures with different amplitudes and frequencies

Author(s):  Shalom Sadik

Affiliation(s):  Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ort Braude College, Karmiel 21982, Israel

Corresponding email(s):   shaloms@braude.ac.il

Key Words:  Oscillating temperature, Temperature amplitude, Thermal conductivity, Thermal diffusivity

Shalom Sadik. A model of two cylindrical plane wall layers exposed to oscillating temperatures with different amplitudes and frequencies[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2017, 18(12): 974-983.

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%T A model of two cylindrical plane wall layers exposed to oscillating temperatures with different amplitudes and frequencies
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T1 - A model of two cylindrical plane wall layers exposed to oscillating temperatures with different amplitudes and frequencies
A1 - Shalom Sadik
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A linear model of two cylindrical plane wall layers exposed to oscillating temperatures and frequencies was built using a physical superposition of two states. In the first state, the inner surface of a wall was exposed to oscillating temperature and the outer surface was exposed to a zero relative temperature. In the second state, the inner surface was exposed to a zero relative temperature while the outer surface was exposed to an oscillating temperature with different amplitude and frequency. Temperature distributions were derived for different amplitudes, frequencies, and thermal conductivities. Results show that increasing the frequency decreased the depth of temperature penetration. A high frequency led to extremum temperature values on the surface, while a low frequency allowed gradual temperature changes during the time period. Temperature distribution lines showing simultaneous heat flux entry and exit were not observed.

This paper 'A Two Cylindrical Plane Wall Layers Exposed to Oscillating Temperatures with Different Amplitudes and Frequencies' by Shalom Sadik is interesting and clearly presented with different cases in terms of amplitudes, frequencies and thermal conductivities for the temperature distributions. Findings, such as, increasing the frequency value decreases the temperature penetration length, high frequency leads to extremum temperature values on the surface while low frequency values allows gradually temperature changes during the time period, were obatined which will be of many practical applications in studying combustion engine.


创新点:1. 提出一个清晰的线性模型以获得在外表面施加不同频率和振幅的温度约束时壳体的温度分布;2. 此模型适用于解决导热能力介于理想导热和绝热之间的不同材料组成的任意层数圆柱壳体内的温度分布问题。
方法:1. 由热扩散方程和内外表面的边界条件来构建物理模型;2.使用复数和物理叠加以提高该模型的表现。
结论:1. 增加表面温度约束的波动频率会相应地减少温度渗透深度;因此,对于高频率工作并需要绝热的系统,可以节约材料厚度并绝热。2. 并未发现同时反映热流的进和出的温度分布线。3. 要构建这个物理模型,必须使用物理叠加。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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