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Jia-jin Zhou


Xiao-nan Gong


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2018 Vol.19 No.7 P.534-543


Effect of cemented soil properties on the behavior of pre-bored grouted planted nodular piles under compression

Author(s):  Jia-jin Zhou, Xiao-nan Gong, Kui-hua Wang, Ri-hong Zhang, Guo-lin Xu

Affiliation(s):  Research Center of Coastal and Urban Geotechnical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   gongxn@zju.edu.cn

Key Words:  Pre-bored grouted planted nodular (PGPN) pile, Cemented soil properties, Model test, Frictional capacity, Tip bearing capacity

Jia-jin Zhou, Xiao-nan Gong, Kui-hua Wang, Ri-hong Zhang, Guo-lin Xu. Effect of cemented soil properties on the behavior of pre-bored grouted planted nodular piles under compression[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2018, 19(7): 534-543.

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journal="Journal of Zhejiang University Science A",
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%T Effect of cemented soil properties on the behavior of pre-bored grouted planted nodular piles under compression
%A Jia-jin Zhou
%A Xiao-nan Gong
%A Kui-hua Wang
%A Ri-hong Zhang
%A Guo-lin Xu
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
%V 19
%N 7
%P 534-543
%@ 1673-565X
%D 2018
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.A1700118

T1 - Effect of cemented soil properties on the behavior of pre-bored grouted planted nodular piles under compression
A1 - Jia-jin Zhou
A1 - Xiao-nan Gong
A1 - Kui-hua Wang
A1 - Ri-hong Zhang
A1 - Guo-lin Xu
J0 - Journal of Zhejiang University Science A
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%@ 1673-565X
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PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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DOI - 10.1631/jzus.A1700118

A series of unconfined compressive strength tests of cemented soil and a model test of a pre-bored grouted planted nodular (PGPN) pile were conducted to investigate the effect of cemented soil properties on the behavior of PGPN piles under compression. The load-displacement response, axial force, and tip resistance were measured during the loading process. Several conclusions could be drawn by comparing the results of the present model test with those of a previous test: the compressive bearing capacity of the PGPN pile was enhanced by increasing the cemented soil strength; the ultimate skin friction of the PGPN pile was increased to 1.06–1.36 times when the strength of the cemented soil along the pile shaft increased from 0.706 MPa to 1.21 MPa; the ultimate mobilized base load was increased to 1.42 times when the strength of the cemented soil at the enlarged base increased from 11.10 MPa to 16.02 MPa.


目的:静钻根植竹节桩是一种由预制竹节桩和水泥土组成的组合桩基.通过一系列水泥土试块的无侧限抗压强度试验和静钻根植竹节桩的单桩模型试验,研究水泥土性质对静钻根植竹节桩抗压承载性能的影响. 得出水泥土强度的提高对静钻根植竹节桩桩侧和桩端承载性能的影响规律,为静钻根植竹节桩的设计和推广应用提供理论依据.
创新点:1. 得出静钻根植竹节桩桩端扩大头中水泥土强度的提高对其桩端承载性能的影响规律; 2. 得到静钻根植竹节桩桩周水泥土强度的提高对其桩侧摩擦性能的影响规律.
方法:1. 通过改变静钻根植竹节桩桩端扩大头的水泥土强度的模型试验,得到桩端水泥土强度的提高对桩基桩端承载性能的影响规律; 2. 通过桩周水泥土强度不同的静钻根植竹节桩的模型试验,得出静钻根植竹节桩桩周水泥土强度的提高对其桩侧摩擦性能的影响规律.
结论:1. 提高水泥土强度能够改善静钻根植竹节桩的抗压承载性能;当桩周水泥土强度从0.706 MPa增加到1.21 MPa,桩端水泥土强度从11.10 MPa增加到16.02 MPa时,静钻根植竹节桩极限抗压承载力提高了36%. 2. 当桩周水泥土强度从0.706 MPa增加到1.21 MPa时,不同深度土层中桩侧极限摩阻力增加到1.06-1.36倍. 3. 桩端水泥土强度从 11.10 MPa增加到16.02 MPa时,静钻根植竹节桩的极限桩端承载力增加到1.42倍. 4. 在静钻根植竹节桩的实际工程应用中,增加桩端扩大头处水泥土强度能够有效提高桩基的承载性能,而桩周水泥土强度的增加对桩基侧摩阻力的提高效果不明显.

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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