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Jun-qiang Xia


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2018 Vol.19 No.11 P.864-877


Modelling of flood risks to people and property in a flood diversion zone

Author(s):  Jun-qiang Xia, Peng Guo, Mei-rong Zhou, Roger A. Falconer, Zeng-hui Wang, Qian Chen

Affiliation(s):  State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   xiajq@whu.edu.cn

Key Words:  People hazard, Property hazard, Flood risk assessment, Numerical modelling, Jingjiang flood diversion zone

Jun-qiang Xia, Peng Guo, Mei-rong Zhou, Roger A. Falconer, Zeng-hui Wang, Qian Chen. Modelling of flood risks to people and property in a flood diversion zone[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2018, 19(11): 864-877.

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%T Modelling of flood risks to people and property in a flood diversion zone
%A Jun-qiang Xia
%A Peng Guo
%A Mei-rong Zhou
%A Roger A. Falconer
%A Zeng-hui Wang
%A Qian Chen
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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%N 11
%P 864-877
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%D 2018
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.A1800124

T1 - Modelling of flood risks to people and property in a flood diversion zone
A1 - Jun-qiang Xia
A1 - Peng Guo
A1 - Mei-rong Zhou
A1 - Roger A. Falconer
A1 - Zeng-hui Wang
A1 - Qian Chen
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PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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Extreme floods often occur in the middle Yangtze River. The jingjiang flood diversion zone needs to be operated during these events to protect the safety of the levees along the Jingjiang Reach. Therefore, it is important to be able to predict the potential flood risks to people and property in such an area for the purpose of flood management. In this study, an integrated numerical model for estimating the flood risks in a flood diversion zone is proposed, including a module for predicting the 2D hydrodynamic processes of flood inundation in a study area with complex topography, and a special module for estimating the flood risks to people (children and adults) and property (vehicles, buildings, and crops) using newly developed safety criteria. The proposed model was used to predict the flood inundation process and variation in hazard degrees of people and property, based on a hypothetical discharge hydrograph during the operation of the jingjiang flood diversion zone. The model predictions show high flood loss rates for various flooded objects such as people, vehicles, buildings, and crops, with a mean loss rate for these subjects of 75% after 140 h. This suggests that the operation of a flood diversion zone should be cautiously considered, as it would likely result in a huge loss of people and property. Furthermore, an investigation was conducted into the effects of different roughness coefficients and people stability criteria on the model predictions. The results show that variable Manning’s roughness coefficients need to be used in the hydrodynamic module according to different underlying surface conditions, and a mechanics-based criterion for the stability of people in floodwaters should be adopted to assess the potential hazard degrees.

This paper presented a 2D numerical model for the simulation of flood propagation processes and the assessment of associated potential damages to people and properties. The numerical model was validated with experimental data and was applied to simulate the flood risks in the Jingjiang flood diversion zone along the Middle Yangtze River. Sensitivity analyses were also made on the Manning's roughness coefficients and stability criteria of human body. The paper is well-structured and easy-understanding. The results are valuable for the flood management in the Middle Yangtze River.


目的:分洪工程的启用具有非常重要的防洪效益,但同时也将严重威胁分洪区群众的生命财产安全. 为定量计算洪水中人体(成人与儿童)、车辆、房屋、农作物(水稻和棉花)的洪水风险与洪灾损失,考虑受淹对象的失稳机理,提出分洪区群众生命与财产的洪水风险模拟模型.
创新点:1. 基于力学过程中的洪水中人体与车辆失稳的计算公式,建立相应洪水风险等级评定的新方法,并提出4类受淹对象平均损失率的计算方法; 2. 结合二维水动力学模型的计算结果,分析4类受淹对象洪水风险的时空变化情况,同时讨论根据不同下垫面类型取不同糙率值以模拟洪水演进过程的必要性,并比较文献中提出的洪水中人体风险等级计算结果的差异.
方法:1. 分析现有洪水中人体、车辆、房屋和农作物风险或损失的计算方法,提出相应洪水风险计算关系或计算曲线(公式(3)~(6),图1和2); 2. 参考1954年荆江分洪工程北闸第一次的分洪情况,通过计算分洪区140 h的洪水演进过程和4类受淹对象洪水风险的时空分布(图8),同时得到4类受淹对象平均损失率随时间的变化情况(图10); 3. 在荆江分洪区洪水演进过程模拟中,讨论根据不同下垫面类型确定相应糙率值的方法与计算区域糙率统一取值0.04、0.05或0.06的3种工况下洪水要素变化的差异(图11和12),并采用文献中提出的洪水中人体风险等级计算方法,比较洪水中人体风险等级变化的异同(图13).
结论:1. 一旦荆江分洪工程启用,截止至北闸开启140 h时,洪水中人体、车辆、房屋、农作物的平均损失率达到75%以上,即分洪工程的启用将造成重大的生命财产损失; 2. 糙率取值方法的不同,导致洪水演进过程不同,进而影响各类受淹对象的洪水风险评估,因此需要根据不同下垫面类型确定相应的糙率值; 3. 文献中提出的洪水中人体风险等级计算方法考虑了人体失稳的力学过程,综合考虑了水深和流速的影响,可以更安全可靠地应用于实际洪水中人体的风险等级评价.


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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