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Li Yu


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2019 Vol.20 No.2 P.98-108


A uniform air flow distribution design strategy for use in tunnel transverse ventilation systems

Author(s):  Ming-nian Wang, Tao Deng, Li Yu, Xu Wang

Affiliation(s):  School of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   yuli_1026@swjtu.edu.cn

Key Words:  Multi-perforated duct, Computational fluid dynamics (CFD), Flow resistance, Uniform flow distribution, Transverse ventilation

Ming-nian Wang, Tao Deng, Li Yu, Xu Wang. A uniform air flow distribution design strategy for use in tunnel transverse ventilation systems[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2019, 20(2): 98-108.

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%T A uniform air flow distribution design strategy for use in tunnel transverse ventilation systems
%A Ming-nian Wang
%A Tao Deng
%A Li Yu
%A Xu Wang
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We focused mainly on a uniform air flow distribution design strategy for a multi-perforated air supply duct with a multi-blade opposed regulation damper. This design is especially required in tunnel transverse ventilation systems, in which a uniform air flow distribution is needed to dilute vehicle exhaust gases or vehicle emissions to acceptable concentrations. First, local resistance coefficients arising when air flows out of the duct through the damper were investigated by means of dimensional analysis and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation, and a mutual authentication was performed with 3D and 2D simulation results. This revealed that the ratio of the velocity in the duct and the damper, and the blade opening angle are the two main factors affecting the resistance coefficient. Second, theoretical analysis based on Bernoulli’s equation was implemented to establish the relationship between the local resistance coefficient and the pressure drop. Based on the simulation results, a uniform air flow distribution design strategy corresponding to the opening angle adjustment was obtained. Finally, a calculation case study was carried out, and sufficient consistency between the theoretical and numerical calculation results was achieved, verifying the reliability of the design strategy.

This paper mainly provides 1) interesting reference data of loss coefficient values for a particular type of damper and 2) an elegant analytical method for designing duct systems for equal airflow from each outlet.


目的:公路隧道在采用横向式通风系统时,送风道内的空气应通过送风孔均匀地输送至隧道内,以满足整个隧道范围内的新鲜空气补充和污染物稀释的需求. 但是,目前的隧道通风设计规范并没有明确的等量送风设计方法,且业界关于该问题的研究也极为缺乏. 考虑到多页对开式风阀在风量调整方面的便利性与实用性,本文旨在通过明确风阀风阻特性以及等量送风管道内外静压的分布规律,研究一种通过调整风阀开角来实现风孔风量控制的理论设计方法.
创新点:1. 结合量纲分析与数值模拟分析方法得出多页对开式风阀的风阻特性; 2. 通过对等量送风道内外部建立一元伯努利方程,得出等量送风管道内的静压分布规律; 3. 结合风阀风阻特性以及管道内外静压分布规律,得出一种基于压力平衡的风阀叶片开角理论调节方法,且该方法可以实现各风孔送风风量的理论控制.
方法:1. 利用量纲分析方法得出多页对开式风阀风阻特性的影响因素; 2. 利用二维和三维数值分析方法计算得出不同叶片开角和风速比值条件下的风阀阻力系数(表2和图6); 3. 通过理论分析,在送风道内部和风阀内外侧断面间建立一元伯努利方程,得到风道内的风速与静压分布规律,以及通过调节开角实现风量控制的理论设计方法; 4. 利用数值分析方法对研究得到的等量送风理论设计方法进行可行性验证(图9和10).
结论:1. 影响多页对开式风阀风阻特性的2个因素分别是风阀的叶片开角和风道与风阀内的风速比值; 2. 结合等量送风管道内静压分布规律以及风阀风阻特性,可以通过调整叶片开角实现风阀送风风量的理论控制; 3. 数值验证结果表明,通过控制叶片开角来实现风阀出风风量的理论控制方法具备可行性且精度较高.

关键词:多孔送风管; 计算流体力学; 局部阻力; 等量送风; 横向通风

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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