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Ning Bao


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2020 Vol.21 No.5 P.350-365


2D and 3D discrete numerical modelling of soil arching

Author(s):  Ning Bao, Jing Wei, Jian-feng Chen, Ping Wei

Affiliation(s):  School of Civil Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   jingwei@bjtu.edu.cn

Key Words:  Piled embankment, Soil arching, Discrete element method (DEM), Load transfer, Settlement

Ning Bao, Jing Wei, Jian-feng Chen, Ping Wei. 2D and 3D discrete numerical modelling of soil arching[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2020, 21(5): 350-365.

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%T 2D and 3D discrete numerical modelling of soil arching
%A Ning Bao
%A Jing Wei
%A Jian-feng Chen
%A Ping Wei
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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%P 350-365
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%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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In this study, 2D and 3D soil arching phenomena associated with piled embankments were evaluated by performing a series of discrete numerical analyses using the particle flow code (PFC3D) software. After validating the micro-parameters with experimental results, we compared the stress-displacement distribution, force chain evolution, maximum vertical displacement of particles, and deformation characteristics induced by 2D and 3D arching effects. Additional analyses were carried out to understand the influence of the fill height, pile clear spacing, friction coefficient, and porosity on soil arching with respect to the stress concentration ratio (SCR) and settlement along the elevation at various sections. The numerical results indicated that a plane soil arch in a 2D embankment overestimates the degree of load transfer and underestimates the settlement at the crest and within the embankment along the elevation in a 3D embankment. A lower equal settlement plane can be found in a 2D embankment. Furthermore, an increase of fill height and friction angle, and a decrease of pile clear spacing and porosity can help to improve the degree of reduction in load transfer and settlement in both 2D and 3D embankments. However, for partially mobilized soil arching in the 3D condition, the increase of fill height reduces the settlement of soils mainly in the portion above the square subsoil area, but has less influence over the portion above the rectangular subsoil area.


目的:土拱效应是桩承式路堤的主要荷载传递机理. 本文旨在探讨随着桩土差异沉降量的增加,平面土拱和空间土拱演化过程中的相似点和差异性,以深化对桩承式路堤作用机制的理解.
创新点:1. 基于离散元法对比分析平面土拱和空间土拱的作用发挥机制,包括细观角度的强弱力链分布特征和宏观角度的沉降变形模式; 2. 探讨路堤设计参数和土体参数对二维和三维路堤荷载传递和沉降变形(路堤顶面和路堤内部)的影响.
方法:1. 基于活动门室内模型试验建立桩承式路堤二维和三维离散元数值模型; 依据接触力均值划分强弱力链,得到土拱结构的空间分布特征; 采用颗粒位移分组获取土体变形模式. 2. 通过变化路堤高度、桩净间距、填料内摩擦角以及孔隙率来分析路堤荷载和变形响应.
结论:1. 平面土拱效应存在高估路堤荷载传递效率和低估路堤沉降变形的现象. 2. 当路堤高度高于等沉面,即土拱结构处于全拱状态时,路堤土体的空间滑裂面表现为穹顶状,且等沉面位置高于二维模型. 3. 增大路堤高度和填料内摩擦角以及减小桩净间距和孔隙率都能够提高平面土拱和空间土拱的荷载传递能力,进而减小路堤沉降量; 其中,孔隙率对沉降变形的影响最为明显. 4. 当路堤高度低于等沉面,即土拱结构处于非全拱状态时,在三维模型中增加路堤高度主要减小四桩间上部土体沉降,而对两桩间上部土体沉降的影响较小.

关键词:桩承式路堤; 土拱效应; 离散元法; 荷载传递; 沉降变形

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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